Title: Sunshine
Fandom: Heroes
Rating/Genre: pg-13/femslash
Characters/Pairing: Angela/Heidi
Summary: Their first kiss had been a ray of light
Word count: 200
Spoilers/Warnings: No!
Notes: Written for
femslash100, challenge #222: Rain
Angela didn’t remember that she had ever before lived through a winter with that much sunshine.
It started with Heidi’s shy advances in January when Angela tried to teach her to play the piano.
Their first kiss had been a ray of light.
Maybe it was because Heidi was bored, or disappointed in Nathan, or angry with him - Angela didn’t care much; Heidi’s body was soft and compliant, soothing like the golden dawn an early morning in June, and even though snow fell out on the streets of New York, their encounters were hot like the sun in August; at noon, on a day without wind and no clouds in sight.
“Don’t - you - ever - stop - fucking me!”
But Angela knew it couldn’t last.
She had to focus on other things. The future. It was coming, and she knew what it was going to be like.
Grief. Explosion. Hard work. Determination, family and responsibility.
No more sunshine. It would take some time for the world to heal.
But they weren’t there yet. Angela felt the young woman’s fingers inside of her and disappeared into a warm, sunny haze, oblivious of the darkness in the world outside and inside of her.