Day 9 - Fave Ueda Tatsuya solo
Well...that's easy :3 I LOVE "Love in the snow" ...somehow...this makes me feel so sad Q.Q *tries to recover*
so...I love the song because of the lyrics, Tat-chan's voice and music.
The lyrics are sooo deep and beautiful, the pain from love...the pain of not be able to stand beside the one you love the most...they are too painful but too beautiful...
The music is soo soft...the piano and then the guitar and all of that, it such a peaceful and melancholic feeling...
And Tat-chan's voice top them all...his voice so soft and gentle, like singing to a loved a lullaby, like the last breath of love...
And the idea that love never falters...never changes...that love is forever...
It's a beautiful song x3