Title: jin is jealous again! But, is he serious? Of all people he could be jealous of, he is jealous of Taguchi? REALLY?
Pairing: Akame...mention of JunKame? *don't remember the name of said pairing lol*
Raiting: G
Genre: Fluff...weird xD
Warning: No beta!
Disclaimer: They are not mine! None in Johnny's is mine!...AND I don't CARE that Jin is married! he is KAME'S and Kame is JIN'S! PERIOD!
AN: okay, I have decided to make this a serie xD or something like that XD "5 Times Kame made Jin jealous...or something like that" I hope I will finish it LOL but this will be the second of it xD being the first one
ThorKi and akame issues ft. Yamapi XD soooo~ XDDD and about the title...yes, something like that becuase some times, Jin may get jealous because of nothing LOL and! well, there's nothing much to say, just...sorry for any mistakes! and please! comment!!!
2. Jin is jealous again! But, is he serious? Of all people he could be jealous of, he
is jealous of TAGUCHI?!
It was another normal day for one Akanishi Jin, in fact, it was a beautiful day! Today, he was going to see his pretty crush~ Lalala certainly life was beautiful, wasn’t it? Yeah, maybe he do see him every day at the Jimusho, but he always felt so blissful for getting to see his beloved one, God bless KAT-TUN~
And now, there he was! Sitting at the couch of their dressing room~…holding hands with Taguchi…seeming troubled…okay, life didn’t seem so beautiful now.
“Hey! Guy! What are you talking about?” Jin asked once he got closer to his younger friends. They seemed…troubled, happy but…worried.
“Well, how could we say this?” wondered the clown of the group, before getting a hit on his shoulder.
“Are you planning on telling him?” asked the petite brunette.
“Well, yeah? I mean, they are going to find out, won’t they?” Taguchi seemed clueless about Kame’s reason to worry “Besides, it’s not like they are going to tell Johnny”
“Tell Johnny, what?” said Jin with a hint of nervousness.
“Jin” Kame took a big breath, he was fighting to get the words out of his mouth, but it was pretty difficult “I am pregnant”
There were some minutes of silence while Jin tried to process the information, to actually understand it…well, it would need hours so…
“Wait…what?” Jin asked with a cracking voice “You? Pregnant?” he laughed without humor “good one Kame, I’ll get you back”
“I am not kidding Jin! I already went to the hospital and they confirmed it!” said Kame with exasperation in his voice “I know it’s shocking, but I am” he ended with a soft voice.
“Okay” breathed Jin “Okay” he sit on a chair in front of them “I believe you, but, who is the father?” saying that Jin was scared and way too pale as if he had seen a ghost was pretty obvious and scaring.
“Are you okay, Jin?” Kame asked, worried about the appearance of his best friend, earning a nod of the other “If you are sure” Kame sighed again and turned to look at Taguchi “The father is Taguchi”
If the previous statement was shocking, to say the least, this…this was way too much to actually try to process.
“Taguchi” was the only thing that Jin could utter the two in front of him nodded in agreement “Taguchi” Jin repeated again, be it for getting the joke or because he was truly trying to absorb the new info, neither knew it.
“Yes, me, Jin” said Taguchi, trying to help his friend to understand it, but Jin just looked at Kame once more.
“TAGUCHI” he emphasized his name “Knocked YOU up”
“Yeah” said Kame and now, Jin turned to look at Taguchi.
“YOU knocked HIM up” said Jin.
“Yes?” answered Taguchi in a confused manner.
“No!” yelled Jin…
“No! Please! No!” woke up Jin in his apartment in LA “Oh God, a nightmare” he started laughing out loud “A nightmare…”
Jin didn’t waste much time and just got up of his bed. He took some baggy jeans, a white t-shirt and took a bag where he kept some spare clothes if he needs to go to another set or any place in a rush, just like now.
The trip to Japan was very stressing for Jin, mostly, because he couldn’t shake the terrible feeling of said nightmare. Just the mere thought of Kame going out with someone else, because he was in LA was frightening enough, there’s not need to say that Kame getting pregnant because of something like that was the most terrible thing (although he knew that such thing can’t happen).
The first thing he did once he set foot in his homeland was getting a cab and asking him to drive to the Jimusho. Of course, no need to actually give him the address, but close enough was close enough.
When he get there, he ran with all his might, almost forgetting to pay the guy, but it was okay, because he was about to see Kame and to held him in his arms and to make love like pretty bunnies.
“Kame!” Jin yelled while entering inside KAT-TUN’s dressing room.
“Jin? What are you doing here?” Ueda was the first to react, since the other guys were too shocked to say a word. But Jin didn’t answer his question; he walked towards his turtle and grabbed him by the shoulders.
“Kame! I missed you! Let’s go!” he said in a hurry, trying to drag Kame out of the place.
“Wait Jin! I can’t! I already made some plans!” Kame tried to get out of his grip.
“What? What kind of plans?” Jin demanded in an irritated voice.
“I am going to have dinner with Junno!” Kame said, confused about his boyfriend possessiveness.
“What?” Jin shrieked and turned to glare to said person “What does he has that I don’t?” asked Jin confusing now all the members “Yeah, he may have the best score on videogames! And he may be freakishly tall! But, why?” Jin cried out loud. Everything was left on silence, except with Taguchi’s yells of “Die! Zombie! DIE!”
“Jin…I don’t think I understand you” said Kame, trying to figure out the situation he was in.
“Fine!” And Jin proceeded to drag a confused Kame out of the room and out of the building, so they could go to his apartment (since it was closer that Kame’s) “It’s okay if you don’t understand, you don’t need to, because soon you will be screaming my name and JUST my name” smirked Jin and suddenly, Kame feel a little scared about his destiny.
The remaining members were left gazing at the door without knowing how to react.
“So…that means that Kame is not going to have dinner at my house with the rest of us?” asked Taguchi, finally letting his view off his Nintendo DS.
They just shook their heads and sigh in a dramatic way.
AN2: hope it wasn't so much of a fail XD I just thought that it would be funny if Jin had a nightmare like that XDDDDDDDD