Is there a way you can remind the members to put images behind a lj-cut and to possibly use the 'friends lock' option?
Some members are posting nudes ( in the past ) and sometimes underwear-clad-only images in multiples without using a cut. These are considered 'NWS' by the lj communities and need to be mentioned as 'NWS = not worksafe'
This makes it makes for a very improper visual when someone, such as myself...who only can get online/view LJ at work or school....opens their friends list.
It's common net-courtesy to be warned that there is nudity, or women in -just- their underwear. I love fashion, but I don't want my workplace or those I go to school with... to see such things when -I- don't even anticipate seeing them.
Добрый день. Вы являетесь модератором сообщества ru_designer. Мне хотелось бы узнать, почему мне было дважды отказано в размещении моего поста. Я перечитала внимательно все правила этого сообщества, и убедилась, что ни одно из них мной не было нарушено. Спасибо.
Comments 16
Оль, даже я в Гоа умудрился на следующий же вечер ещё до съёма дома выползти в нет =)))
щаз вот дома будет 256кбпс анлим и ваще будет финиш...
жду в гости и пиздец как скучаю: снишься... =)))
цёмцёмцём =))
You're a mod of the community:
Is there a way you can remind the members to put images behind a lj-cut and to possibly use the 'friends lock' option?
Some members are posting nudes ( in the past ) and sometimes underwear-clad-only images in multiples without using a cut.
These are considered 'NWS' by the lj communities and need to be mentioned as 'NWS = not worksafe'
This makes it makes for a very improper visual when someone, such as myself...who only can get online/view LJ at work or school....opens their friends list.
It's common net-courtesy to be warned that there is nudity, or women in -just- their underwear. I love fashion, but I don't want my workplace or those I go to school with... to see such things when -I- don't even anticipate seeing them.
Thank you.
Зачем же так жестоко, люди, человеки?
Я же не со зла....больше не буду...
Очень прошу.
Вы являетесь модератором сообщества ru_designer.
Мне хотелось бы узнать, почему мне было дважды отказано в размещении моего поста.
Я перечитала внимательно все правила этого сообщества, и убедилась, что ни одно из них мной не было нарушено.
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