I HAVE to Do it

Feb 17, 2004 18:39

Forgive me all, but I actually have to post my teeny side of a convo concerning the whole

Comment on a friends page:

I'm going to speak up for the religious minority here and give you my perspective on things, and I'm going to be quite frank about it, so please don't be offended. Marriage is between a man and a woman, and that historically has nothing to do w/ religion. There are religious reasons for it now, but it's commonly always been that way (so far as I know). Now, marriage is *not* just a piece of paper. It is a covenant taken under God, just as Jesus did when he died for our sins. Marriage is not for rights. Of all the points I've heard from various groups, this has got to be the most ridiculous to me. If that's the only reason that people, anyone really, want to get married, then that's no 'real' marriage at all. That's just a relationship w/ benefits, and that's sad. And no, hetero's and homosexuals alike shouldn't be allowed to have the same benefits of a married couple. If your not married, too bad! It's not a discrimination issue. It just is what it is. If that were the case, then my husband and I should have been receiving benefits as a married couple long before we were married. Like the old addage 'you can't have your cake and eat it too'. Anyway, like I said, my intentions weren't to piss anyone off, but just to give my perspective as well :)
I can see the point on two people, of whatever sex, wanting to commit to each other. Do I think it should be possible? Well, no, but that's me. If gays wish to make the same commitment under God that I did w/ my husband, then I don't see how that's making a mockary out of marriage. However, I think what the conservative groups are all up in arms about is why the liberal gays want to get married, and they're making it like they want to get married to have the same rights as we do. IMHO, that's a mockary of what a marriage is supposed to be. It goes way past the paper. You don't even have to believe in God to realize that.

My response:

What if they don't want the same commitment "under God?". I didn't commit to my husband "under God", and neither is anyone else required to.

I think there's two issues: Gay marriage being wrong in a moral and religious sense, and Gay marriage being wrong in a social/ political sense. It's two separate cases, and it's not fair to lump everyone under a set of beliefs just because some people feel that way.

The problem for some is not only having to fight against the politcal and social side, but against the religious side as well, when their personal beliefs may not even include God. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry, just stating an oft' misconcieved point that it's either "god and marriage" or "being gay". There's so many other levels to it.

I won't be offended if you don't read, but I just have to get it out. I really WAS going to keep quiet, but since I do have an opinion, and I do believe STRONGLY in that opinion, it's not really right of me to sit idly by. Or maybe I should lol. Love to you all. :)

(and a special hug to elf cause even with this she still loves me ;) )
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