What Amorisa Thinks Of You

May 19, 2006 01:38

since i never got around to doing this....I'll go by the people i know and have interacted with. Post here if you want to be added to the list.

alex_departie Alex is her second Cousin. Amorisa loves him because he's family, however she's a little scared of him and thinks he's unperdictable.

alex_varian Knows him through Colin. Saw him a few times when they were children, but really doesnt have an opinion of him either way.

aodhan_kinsella Knows him because he's in her house and because he's Tobias' brother. Think's he's kind of braty, but otherwise has no opinion of him.

bewitched_sam_ Amorisa really likes Sam, and thinks she was the best thing that ever happened to her cousin Lucas and finds it unfortunate that they are no longer together.

bookwormbri Bri is kind of like her cousin. She's Dari and Jayden's cousin, whom Amorisa are cousins with, so she considers Bri to be like a cousin too, and enjoys hanging out with her

caer_forelin Caer is in her house and she's talked to the 7th year a few times. She think's he's nice because he's helped her with her homework a couple of times.

candleschildren Amorisa has tried to be nice to Gillichu, but the boy has serious issues, so Amorisa has given up on him but wishes the little brat well

cassanovaluke Lucas is Amorisa's cousin and they are very close. Amorisa loves Lucas to death adn there is nothing that she wouldn't do for him. She does get slightly annoyed when he tries to be over protective of her and bitch over her dating Adrian, but she loves him all the same.

colin_mayfield Amorisa's god brother. Again somebody she loves with all her heart. Colin has always been quiet and not one to show a lot of affection, but she's very protective of him and while he gets as bad as Lucas (sometimes worse) over her dating Adrian, she loves her god brother and would love it if he would just...show affection and be happy.

corina_mayfield Amorisa used to love Corina, who is her god mother, but as the years progressed Amorisa began to see a side of Corina she did not like, and makes it quite clear that she doesnt like her that much.

cuanhughes Amorisa thinks that this guy is an asshole. They are always bickering and Cuan has hexed her a few times, and Amorisa has hauled off and hit him.

darianaclaw Amorisa's cousin Dari. Amorisa adores Dari and considers her a role model, she loves Dari and wishes that they could hang out more.

demon_of_sin Wind is Amorisa's adoptive brother, one day she met him in the Common Room and they hit it off right away by playing hexes on each other they decided they were just what the other needed and adopted each other as siblings, and have been close ever since. Amorisa loves Wind to death and is so glad she found him

derek_bly Ah Derek. Amorisa used to have a big crush on Derek until she met Adrian. She still considers him a really good friend and wishes him well in his relationship with Hannah

dreamingophelia Aislin is like Amorisas mentor in how a proper lady acts. Amorisa likes Aislin but sometimes doesnt agree with with the girl says.

ethantibble Has met him a couple of times, think's hes just adorable.

haiiro_na_ryuu Thinks Amaury is quiet, stand offish and kind of stuck up, so she doesnt bother with him

hannah_salix Is weary of Hannah, she knows the girl isnt fond of her, and Amorisa isnt fond of the fact that she's kissed Lucas a couple of times, but likes the girl well enough

hazeleyedkenzie Colin's girlfriend. She's met Kenzie a few times and likes her, she thinks Kenzie is good for Colin.

jaydendavison Amorisa's little cousin. Jayden doesn't like Amorisa because she's a halfblood. Amorisa wishes Jayden would see things differently, but alas things dont always work out that way.

jelly_ashworth Amorisa thinks Jelly is quite humorous, sweet...and she has plans to steal the duckie from 'Auntie' Jelly.

jj_rizzo One of Amorisa's 3rd year friends, she think's he's sweet, but a typical guy.

jul_agate Amorisa has met Jul a couple times, she doesnt have any set opinion of her, but thinks the girl is sweet. Atleast Juls been nice to her anytime Amorisa has seen her

juno_jupiter Amorisa's former head of house and Wind's mother. Amorisa hasnt really had a conversation with Juno, but likes her just fine.

katzenkaiser Amorisa thinks Jaegar is a blast, but just wishes that he and Adrian would get along

kittu_mathur Amorisa is vastly amused by Kittu, she thinks hes a little to young to be a flirt, but is amused by him none the les

lalalogan Ah Logan. Logan is another one of Amorisa's third year pals and think's he's just a sweetie pie and is glad that he's dating her roommate Sara.

master_tybalt Amorisa has met Ty a couple times, in fact she gave him a kitten, but doesnt know him well enough to have an opinion of him

masterdevlin Amorisa's boyfriend and the love of her life. She thinks the world of Adrian, like he can do no wrong in her eyes. She doesn't get why everyone is concerened for the fact that she is dating him, why everyone things hes bad. She doesnt see that. She loves him very, very much.

maxinemay Amorisa has known Maxine since childhood. Maxine is the cousin of her friend Naia and god brother Colin, so as kids they used to play with Naia. Amorisa likes Maxine....and likes her even more due to the fact that she kicked Cuan Hughes in the balls.

mynameisanya Another one of Amorisa's friends, Anya. Amorisa loves Anya and the two girls get along great, but Amorisa strongly beleives that she should start dating JJ

naiaflowing Naia is like a cousin to Amorisa because Naia is cousins with Colin and Maxine. Amorisa adores Naia and considers her family. Together they are united against Colin in his over-protective ways, and united they plot to make Colin see that Thomas would be proud of him if he was alive today.

pimento_pepper Their first meeting did not go smoothly at all, but Amorisa thinks Pimento has a lot of spunk and attitude, so she respects that and thinks the girl is one okay chick.

slytherinsara Amorisa's roommate. For a short while they didnt get along, but now they are friends again. However, Amorisa is annoyed that she isnt getting the support she thinks she should get from Sara in reguards of dating Adrian.

thecharmingtwin Only knows him as one of Anya's brothers

thejokingtwin Only knows him as one of Anya's brothers

timashford Amorisa adores Tim and thinks he's fantastic for Bri. She wishes Gillichu would stop pushing the poor boy down the stairs though.

vince_monroe Amorisa likes Vince, she barely remembers that when they were kids that he used to terrorize Colin, but thinks that he's a sweetheart now.

...I know there should be more but if there are I dont remember. So comment here if you think you should be on the list and what you think Amorisa would think of you.
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