ha. yeah. although i never saw the use of having more than one journal. but whatever floats ur boat! =). ive haad mine a little over two years. so i guess u couldn't consider me a newbie.
i dunno. but to add you again..you'll have to promise me you won't try to show anyone my personal entries..well because there is a lot of shit in there from like...wow. 2 years ago or so.
and well. i know people will take it the wrong way if they read it.
Comments 19
(I hate it how soo many ppl I know are gettin LJs, (I've had mine for 4 years, lolol) and I dont realize it)
<3kisses and candy back at ya<3
i deleted you because well...
i dunno. but to add you again..you'll have to promise me you won't try to show anyone my personal entries..well because there is a lot of shit in there from like...wow. 2 years ago or so.
and well. i know people will take it the wrong way if they read it.
or atleast a specific one or two will.
agreement? not too much to ask for i hope.
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