Title: The Picture
Words: circa 460
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Luna
Warnings: character death
Prompt: "sun-faded photographs"
tableSummary: Staring back at Luna Lovegood was a picture of younger version of herself and her husband...
Staring back at Luna Lovegood was a picture of younger version of herself and her husband. Both were smiling there patented smiles. It was their wedding day picture. Eight years ago, she had walked down the isle to stand by the altar with a handsome man. He was perfect. His silver eyes that were normally cold and calculating shined back at her with happiness that day. Even in her happiness, she couldn't help but relish in the sight.
In the picture, he looked apathetic. The happiness she remembered seeing in his eyes didn't convey in the picture, but she didn't care. She knew it had been there. She knew their seven years together had been some of the happiness in his life. He didn't have to tell her for her to know it. It was a woman's intuition, a wife's knowledge of her husband.
Luna had showed the world, took him on trips, proved the existence of various creatures to him, and most of all loved him with her heart. And in return, he had loved her completely even her sometimes eccentric beliefs and actions. He had shown her culture, taking her to museums and shows, and making her relish in the world's deep history.
Their life together had been perfect. It was filled with love, friendship, compassion, and memories they shared. Their connection was strong. It was still strong. No one and no amount of time could take that away. They had shaped each other, made each other better by just being there.
Her only regret in their life together was not being blessed with children and that it had been cut short.
One moment he was with her, and the next he was gone. There was no time for goodbye. He had been stuck down by the vary world he loved and no Mediwizard or Healer could save him. The worst part was he died alone. He died by the hatred of two words.
And his murder got away with ripping Luna's life apart.
As Luna stared down at the sun-faded photographs, she felt her heart breaking again. She longed for her husband to be here with her again, to hold her, to drag her to another show, to make her live. She went to shows and museums on her own, but it wasn't the same. It didn't feel the same. Without him with her, the culture wasn't as gripping, wasn't as awe-inspiring.
She closed the photo album and set it backing in the cabinet. She had kept their wedding album in that cabinet since the day they came back. Her favorite was sitting on top of the mantle. It showcased the best time in her life. The time she was complete. She was and will always be Mrs. Draco Malfoy.