Credit to various people that created several of the items needed to make some of my icons. Thanks. :)
___xcatastropheamortentia_galcolorfiltergendermyrasisteh_indyweapon_iconsworld_dreamsTextures Brushes
colorfiltercrumblingwallsgenderingenu0uslaurasueteh_indywickedlullabyyumei-kAvHForbidden Fire Screen Captures/Images
cap_it---not sure exactly who I got them from, but they are from there.
dj43---Harry Potter abd the Goblet of Fire Screen Caps(somtimes others)
gender---HQ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Screen Caps
photobox--HP, Narnia and other
teh_indy---Harry Potter abd the Goblet of Fire Screen Caps(somtimes others)
rumination---Alexz Johnson
Harry Potter and The Order of the Pheonix Mean Girls ScreenCaps-
1 Harry Potter-
Bonnie Fan | |
Mugglenet |
MuggleThai | |
Veritaserum POTC: The Curse of the Black Pearl (HQ images)-
1 |
2 |
3 POTC: The Curse of the Black Pearl (screencaps)-
1 POTC: Dead Man's Chest (HQ images)-
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
7 POTC: Dead Man's Chest (low quality screencaps of entire movie)-
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 POTC: Dead Man's Chest (videos)-
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 Other-
1 There are people I am missing, I know. If you recognize any of the things I use as belonging to someone I did not list, do tell me!
last updated on 3/23/2008