LJ Interests meme results
- boromir:
Well, I love LOTR and he is a great character. He is not on the top 10 list of my favorite Tolkien characters, but he is one of the key players of the book. He keeps that twist in the positive fellowship, if you didn't have him in there the ring wouldn't seem as powerful. - dobby:
I love DOBBY! He is my second favorite character in Rowlings world. He is so amazing and amusing. He gives a twist on the house elves, he doesn't want to do what his master says, and he isn't a submissive elf. I like that he has a hidden power, he is probably stronger then anyone thinks, but he adds an easy humor to the books that you need. - eowyn:
Oh, the strong woman in the LOTR, both book and the movie kind of over did it though. It was great to have her in some of the action, though in the book she wasn't as strong. She isn't one of my top list either, but she is an added bonus to the story, it is great Tolkien let you have someone who wasn't a male get involved in the battling. I know I wouldn't have hidden or ran, I'd have dressed in armor and fought along side the men. - gia:
Gia isn't a person so to speak, this is for the movie GIA with Angelina Jolie. It is one of my favorite Angelina movies, and she is so brilliant in the movie, it's one you can't not love if you are a fan of Angelina. - journals:
Well, I have a lot of journals I write in off line, and the ones on line. I also make sure people I know have one, I gave one to my younger cousin to write in when she was younger. It is important to let out some of those things in your head that you can't tell others, and I find journals are one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. - merry:
Merry, the hobbit. I liked him better in the movie, in the book he was boring, I don't like the book hobbits really. I found myself skipping over there parts a lot. - plays:
I enjoy going to plays and watching all that live action, the kind that you can see it happening, it's a beautiful experience to see and be a part of an audience like that. Sometimes a play can move you in ways the big screen or a book can't. I just love them, I want to see another one soon. - sarah mclachlan:
How beautiful her voice, yet simple. Her lyrics move me as well and send chills through me, I just love her and what she stands for. Very beautiful soul and person on whole. - sublime:
One of my favorite bands, if you don't have the album 40 oz. of Freedom, do yourself a favor and buy it. This band always relaxes me when I need it, it is such a sad thing the lead singer died. If you say he ODed and he was a druggie and that's that, I'll be angry. He had been in and out of rehab, he had been clean for months, but of course he died, I'm not saying he was a saint, but it's sad what drugs do to people, the never let go of them, and the struggle is hard to over come sometimes. At least he died not giving up the hope one day he'd be cleaned up, at least while he was alive he had tried to kick the habit. - treebeard:
Oh the Ent treebeard, who in there right minds doesn't like him? It's an amazing character with an old and wise soul, he gives LOTR a different angle, a view on what the wilderness is going through, and it would be amazing to have them in our world. I would love the trees to destroy some of the things that are killing our environments and telling the people that they won't stand for the abuse.
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