I wrote Trek fic for the
Tie Dr. McCoy to ALL Things Comment Fic-a-thon, though I didn't actually fulfill the whole "tying" part of it.
Double Dutch Also went & saw "The Expendables" tonight...
Dolph Lundgren looks ROUGH.
Sly looks like he lost a bet with his plastic surgeon.
Arnold & Bruce's cameos were excellent; needs moar Bruce Willis.
Related: needs moar Jet Li. He's awesome & adorable.
Charisma Carpenter!
Why is Mickey Rourke in this movie?
He went all the way back to Buttfuck, South America & killed an OBSCENE (seriously, OBSCENE) amount of people & doesn't even kiss her? WTF, Sly?!
For the sequel: The Rock, Jesse Ventura...Milla Jovovich? :)
And finally: I fucking love action movies. Preview for "RED" looked EXCELLENT. Yay, Karl Urban!