Wonder Woman! *points to banner*

Sep 23, 2010 11:04

So. I picked up Wonder Woman #600 this week.

This is the book in which JMS changes her backstory and costume.

Old School Wonder Woman is Princess of Themyscira, Amazon Champion, Ambassador to Man's World. She's otherworldly and gracious and kind and a warrior, but...let's face it, that's pretty boring.

We like our heroes flawed, right? Batman, Iron Man, Wolverine...they have built-in angst. Wonder Woman's honest and open and loving and...sadly, kind of boring.

Or that's what the dudes who write & publish her seem to think. And Lucy Lawless

So JMS is revamping her. Her new origin is that Themyscira was being destroyed, so Hippolyta sent Diana to Man's World as a toddler. Now she was raised in the city and has "an edge" and is "urban". This coincides with her wardrobe change; she now has pants (which are, lets face it, much more logical for fighting) and a jacket. And her bracelets are now like gauntlets with the (stupid, stupid, ridiculous, IMHO) bonus of leaving a "W" on the flesh of the people she hits.

Yes, Wonder Woman is now Inner-City Zorro.

And I keep thinking "What about the REST of the DCU? Does this retcon ALL of DC history? No more Trinity?"

Making Diana more "street" isn't completely stupid, so I'm going to stick with this for a bit and see where it goes. But so far I'm not terribly impressed, J. Michael Straczynski.

Semi-Related Rant: Why are there so many "Wonder Woman gets raped" fics? Homegirl is strong a Superman, dammit, and a trained warrior to boot. AND, when she DOES get raped in so many damn fics, why is it always about the Justice League's reaction to it, rather than HERS? ARGH.

fic, comics

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