Title: Art for "In A World Called Catastrophe" Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin Rating: R Warnings: PTSD, Graphic Violence,[Spoiler (click to open)]Spoilery art has an image of a PTSD-induced dream of major character death that never happened.
Summary: While on duty in Afghanistan with the Royal Irish Regiment, Merlin is injured by a chlorine gas bomb. He returns home blind in his left eye and suffering from asthma attacks and neither he nor his boyfriend Arthur really know how to cope with this severe change in their relationship. Story link: Read the story HERE!
Artist's notes: Mooney! We did it! It was a fight, but man - we did it. Thank you to my beta team of altocello , alby_mangroves , reni_m , and gwyntastic for all the assistance. You guys are amazing! Thanks to the #paperlegends chat for all the cheerleading and encouragement too! MUPPET! LET ME LOVE YOU!!!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin; BBC and Shine do. No copyright infringement intended, no profits were made. I DO own the art though, and request that you do NOT repost it anywhere without my permission. Rebloggable now on my Tumblr (1 , 2) and deviantART.
---- Cover - Graphic Manip
Way back when we first paired up, Mooney had an idea for a story with PTSD!Merlin home from Afghanistan. That's all I had to work with, LOL! She said that if I was really itching to art right away, draw Merlin in a MOPP suit. So way back on January 25, I came up with the concept of this poster and a title for it as well. We laughed because the story had a poster and a title when no words were even yet written, LOL! ---- The Nightmare - Illustration
Not too much I can say about this one. When I read the scene, it struck me with such a great visual - I had to draw it. ---- Fanmix Mooney asked for a list of songs to help set the mood for writing. Click the pic for the link, or RIGHT HERE!
---- That's it! Okay, I lied. Here's all the bonus content: ---- Merlin Concept
When Mooney decided that she wanted to injure Merlin's eye, I decided to do a concept art manip to help her with some visual reference. ---- Story Ideas When the fic was in its planning phase, Mooney said that if I had any ideas for story points or things that I wanted to see, to let her know. Of course, I can't put my ideas into words very well - I had to draw them!! PUB FIGHT This one was sketched up before we even decided what injuries plagued Merlin - so you'll notice his eye is fine.
AWKWARD INTERRUPTION This one was just to add some nice angst. Now that we had him injured, it was time to have that injury start messing up his normality.
LOOK AT ME This one was more ~feels. Broken!Merlin.
---- The Trailer That Never Was I thought I might cut together a trailer for the fic while I was at it. I wanted to see if it was possible to shake some of the ideas that it was impossible to a military!AU video with these guys. I whipped out a couple of proof-of-concept clips and it worked out pretty good if I do say so myself. But in the end, I bit off more than I could chew - I had other stories and I ran out of time.
Some other random stuff...
Actual 1 R IRISH platoon under fire during OP Herrick 13