Title: Nothing Is True - Everything Is Permitted
Rating: R
Character: Merlin
Warnings: Blood
Assassin's Creed crossover! Thanks to
Alby_Mangroves and
AltoCello for the beta!!! On
Tumblr and
deviantART Yes, he is missing his ring finger lol. As I explained to my beta:
This is based on the game
"Assassin's Creed". The assassins have a spring loaded hidden blade located along the forearm of their bracer. The use of the hidden blade requires the removal of the ring finger, both as a means of more easily extending the blade, and to show the commitment of the one wielding it.
For the Assassins in the High Middle Ages, feathers were used to both grant an Assassin permission to kill a target, as well as for them to prove that the assignment had been completed. Upon killing his target, the Assassin would stain the feather with the blood of the slain, and present it to the Bureau leader.