Title: The Truth is a Beautiful and Terrible Thing
flaggerbasted Reader:
dreaming_athena Fandom: Merlin (BBC) crossover with Harry Potter
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, slight Dumbledore/Grindelwald.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: dark, deaths of main characters
Summary: Dumbledore finds out what had happened to make Merlin the man he knows in the future.
Notes: Written for the
kinkme_merlin prompt Arthur/Merlin, horcruxes. Dark!Merlin wants to be immortal to wait for Arthur's reincarnation. Title taken from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
hereDownload MP3 at mediafire (0:14:46, 13.52 MB) Or at the audiofic archive (courtesy of general_jinjur ) 5+1+3+(3+3+3)=18