That Old Black MagicAuthor:
jerakeen Reader:
2naonh3_cl2 Fandom: AIRPS
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Length: 0:40:24, 36.99 MB
Rating: PG-13
Summary: That's not how fate works.
Spoilers: American Idol season 8
http://www.recnroll.com/jerakeen/fic/thatoldblackmagic.html Download at Megaupload or Sendspace:
SendspaceHiya. It's been awhile. :D Work has been a freakshow. :( Ah well, one will do what one must in order to feed herself...even if fannish life suffers as a result. Le sigh. :/ Anyhoo, got one more AIRPS fic queued, not sure what fic will come after that one. *shrugs* Hope y'all like it. <3