elemgi - Amplirecathon 2011: A Round Dozen Of My Comfort Podfics
(Or, The Wierdness That Is My Mind Loves Repeating Tropes & Happy Endings)
Comfort podfics are for those times I need to turn off my mind with favorite loves. Or, they are for those times I am in a specific mood and crave a particular trope in a particular fandom. I am, as with so many other areas of life, very wide ranging in my appreciations. :)
Life,Mid-Crisis (Matt Farrell/John McClare)
Written by, and read by
lamardeuse http://lamardeuse.livejournal.com/466450.html and at her site
http://lamardeuse.dreamhost.com/dh/life.midcrisis.html and at the archive
http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/life-mid-crisis-audiobook This is one of my favorite authors, with a wonderfully dry, sardonic, growly delivery of her work. The story unfolds as series of consequences post-crisis, with tropes for Geek in Love! Manly Bonding and Misunderstanding! May/December Angst! all whipped together into hot denouement, romance and sexitimes. Very sweet, very compelling.
Ping! (Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski)
Written by Cesperanza,
speranza http://www.trickster.org/speranza/ping.html Read by
zabira http://zabira.livejournal.com/3081.html or at the archive
http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/ping-audiobook A classic Cesperanza DS story, with smart observation of human foibles and interactions and a unique metaphor. Poor jealous Ray-and not really oblivious Fraser. Zabira has a rocking, singing, inevitable quality to her performances that rolls the story out in a definitive manner-this is your 1,2,3,and your x.y.z. This is part of the pleasure of listening to Speranza's work under her interpretation: theinevitability of the march of the travelling story.
A Rock That Spoke A Word (an Animated Mineral It Can Be Heard) (Arthur/Merlin)
Written by
spuffyduds http://archiveofourown.org/works/55282Read by
helva2260 http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/rock-that-spoke-word-animated-mineral-it-can-be-heard-audiobook-music-version Alright, I confess-I've got something to do with making this podfic. When I read the story just before the
help_pakistan auction, I immediately knew this was the podfic reading I would request. This hilarious piece begged for a performance.
Fortunately, Spuffyduds very kindly said yes, and Helva2260 said yes. She gave a ringing, dramatic, British-flavored, over the top performance which was perfect. In the musical version, she married it to a short jazz piece. If I really need a giggle, it is on the short list. All of the podfic has to do with an unusual POV of the happenings in Camelot- by a not so simple dog.
Damsel In Distress (Arthur/Merlin)
Written by
thehoyden http://thehoyden.livejournal.com/243963.html or at the AO3
http://archiveofourown.org/works/46199Read by
twilight http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/damsel-in-distress-audiobook Another stellar read by Twilight, with crisp enunciation, and a great deal of emotional verve. Merlin fanfics have the enviable position that all sorts of talking beasts are probably canon-thus The Hoyden has Kidnapped By A Dragon And Not Eaten! down to an enjoyable romp. As a romp with romance and the zest of M/A argument cum flirtation, it is one of my favorite
podfics for the end of the day.
Written By The Victors (John/Rodney, John/Teyla, Teyla/Ronan)
Written by Cesperanza,
speranza http://www.trickster.org/speranza/cesper/victors.htmlRead by a multitude of readers
http://audific.jinjurly.com/written-by-the-victors-serial-edition-audiobook or at Ces's site
http://www.trickster.org/speranza/podfic.html This fic of Speranza's was an immediate, visceral favorite of most of SGA fandom. There were tribute filksongs, which almost never happens with the speed they appeared. This is an epic: a drama of conflicting values. Of military might is right in politics; of ownership as a concept of colonialization and as a concept of liberation; of scholarship as a reflection of all of these conflicts; and a brilliant Escape To The Wilds! trope as well. I don't know of any other author or fanwork that has had such a reaction from fandom. This is, unsurprisingly, my favorite cure-it drama. I often cannot fight the system, but by God, they did. I've got a playlist of all the tribute songs and chants with the epic itself on my iTunes, tucked into a glorious 5.7 hr swath of time.
My last two faves represent a sub-genre that I adore- The OT3 Intelligently Written.
Singin' In The Rain (1952)
You're The Cream In My Coffee (Cosmo Brown/Don Lockwood/Kathy Selden)
Written by Cimorene
http://archiveofourown.org/works/27405 (mods of the archive, please note the AO3 works number is wrong in the archive)
Read by FayJay,
pandarus http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/yore-cream-in-my-coffee-audiobook This is a romp of a story, in perfect period tone, with a soon to be established couple convincing their third to take a chance on enlarging a lifelong friendship to a triad. FayJay adds in her glorious renditions of the songs and as always, captures Cimerone's dramatic virtuosity of timing perfectly.
The last rec- ;->
White Collar
The Complete Reasonable Doubt 'verse (Elizabeth Burke/Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey)
Written by
china_shop http://china-shop.livejournal.com/544161.html or at the AO3
http://archiveofourown.org/works/72421Read by
twilight http://community.livejournal.com/amplification/592198.html or at the archive
http://audiofic.jinjurly.com/complete-reasonable-doubt-verse-audiobook I am usually never quite sure if the order in which I experience the fic as written word and as podfic performance alters in some manner the things I love about the fic. This fic, I am certain. I first read China Shop's work, and gave a great shout of glee. Twilight, who does an excellent job with this reading, very clear on characterization; has not got my attention very much in this podfic. I know she did a wonderful job, but I plead overwhelming love
of the story. It is, again, a story of a couple singly and together, falling in love with a third person and adding him in with both of them to make a working triad. Adjustments all around, people, and check your ego at the door- marvelously portrayed.
Whew-- I could add more, and more, and more recs, but I won't- to retire from the posting fray
somewhat victorious- and definitely late.