Long Favorites I've Listened To More Then Once (SPN)

Mar 20, 2011 00:13

Instead of posting all of my favorites in the many fandoms I listen to ( which would be very tedious)
I’ve decided to post about my current obsession.
All of these are based in the Supernatural fandom .
Almost all of these have musical interludes, so for those of you who’d rather not be distracted by music, I apologize.
I am not as well read in the Castiel/Dean category as I would like, so I’m sorry for not recc-ing more for all you (Destial )shippers.



Rating : Mature
Written By: darkemeralds
Read Byfayjay 
The calling card said Tristan Jarrett, Viscount Penrith. Beneath that, in a lazy scrawl, was the addendum Mr Acklebury, be so good as to wait on me tomorrow, number 10, Half Moon Street. Yours, &c., Penrith. Mr Acklebury was not sure how he felt about being thus summarily commanded to paint his lordship's portrait.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I am in love with this fic. I had never heard of it until I had listened to FayJay’s podfic, I don’t know if it’s her lovely voice or the gorgeously written words, or a combination of the two, but I’m telling you this thing is amazing! It is so delightfully well read, FayJays style reminds me a lot of the old radio drama’s I used to listen to when I was but a wee lass. Just how many accents does she have up her sleeve?
She really seems to understand emotion and how to put it in her voice, and her comedic timing is great.
Anything read by her I would definitely recommend to anyone new to podfics. You can hear that she loves what she’s reading and loves the characters, which to me, it‘s important that a reader sound like they‘re enjoying the story and she certainly does.
This story is a work in progress, so this podfic is not complete, if you don’t like the suspends of WIP’s then this one is not for you
Because I discovered this story through FayJay, I have restrained myself from reading any updates dark emeralds might write, and FayJay girl, I know you are busy, but please! I can’t take it, I have to know what happens!

Beautiful Disaster
Rating: NC-17
Written By:  thenyxie 
Read Bychemm80 
Rock Band AU. Jensen’s the lead guitarist in the number one rock band in the country. Justin’s the lead singer, and they’ve been doing this together since middle-school, been together since just after high school. As on top of the world as they are, Jensen’s starting to become disillusioned with the lifestyle and his crumbling relationship with Justin. And then he meets a new roadie on the crew named Jared who’s got a voice like an angel and a heart to match, and everything starts to change.

There is just something about Chemm80’s voice that just gets me, it’s got just the right amount of grit and melodic cadence that is soothing to listen to. She has a specific rhythm to her reading that just wraps me up in the story and before I know it, hours have flown by.
She has done an amazing job with this heartbreakingly beautiful story. So much is going on in this fic and she carries you through all the up and downs without ever leaving you bored.

Laurel Heights
Rating: NC-17
Written By: letsgetstarted 
Read Byres 
Two shots ring out in the dead of night behind the exclusive gates of the Laurel Heights community, leaving two of their occupants dead in an apparent murder/suicide - or was it. Detectives Ackles and Padalecki are sent undercover to find the answer.

This story is so intriguing and fun, a very well written and thought out plot. If you are in the mood for a good ol’ fashion romantic comedy , give ‘er a listen.
Res delivers a perfect reading of all the plot twists and treats each wonderful character like they are important. I loved the mystery in this story and the rapport between Jared and Jensen was extremely funny.

The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project
Rating: PG
Written By: sometimesophie 
Read Byissaro 
After Supernatural, Jensen and Jared aren't talking. But a film's a film and Jensen could really use the money.

Issaro’s voice is perfect for the amount of angst that is in this fic. I don’t know if it’s what the writer intended, but by the end I felt sorry for Jensen.
I guess a lot of a us can relate, we all have that one relationship that just makes us want to tear our hair out. And this reader conveyed that feeling so well with her voice. She brings a subtly to her reading that is very pleasant and is not at all distracting from the plot.
This is one of my favorite J2 stories, because it is realistic and believable, if you need a brake from all the wonderful AU’s out there then this should be a nice palate cleanser.

We Must Reinvent Love
Rating: NC-17
Written By: mournthewicked 
Read Bypennyplainknits 
With high school graduation less than two weeks away, best friends Jared and Jensen find themselves scrambling to tie up a few loose ends before they’re forced into adulthood. Jared ropes Jensen into helping him get the alcohol for Sandy's graduation party, and what should be a simple night of partying ends up turning into a series of mishaps and misunderstandings that all come to head when Jensen finally tells Jared the secret he wasn't ever planning on spilling. If high school has to end, they're going out with a bang. Based on the film Superbad.

You can totally tell how much pennyplianknits loved this fic, and enjoyed reading it. She all ways delivers funny lines perfectly, and her reading was just as bright and fun as this story. Her interpretation of how awkward and clumsy Jared was, is spot on and hilarious.

Nosce Te Ipsum
Rating: PG-13
Written By: rei_c 
Read Bypodcath 
Jensen’s been living in the Empire for over eight years and he’s just now realizing he has a problem. When a solution presents itself in the form of a shaggy-haired guy holding a cup of coffee, will he accept an offer he really can’t afford to refuse?

Podcath's wonderful accent is not only lovely but just exotic enough to sound like she could be a native of this dystopian -like world. It does not hinder her ability to portray emotions either. She has a wonderful grasp of who the characters are and what their world is like. Her delivery is clear, understandable and completely enjoyable.
I loved the personal growth of the character Jensen in this story It felt like I was a getting a peak into the cocoon of the wonderful creature he was being formed into. I like stories where the characters go through transformations, and are different from who they were in the beginning.


Last Day On Earth
Rating: NC-17
Written By: candle_beck 
Read Bycandle_beck 
It's unbelievable, unacceptable in a way that's fucking galling, these goddamn fixes Sam gets them into.

I am in love with Candle_Beck’s voice, seriously, I could listen to her read ingredient labels and still be thoroughly entertained.
She delivers a power house of emotion in the simplest words.
This story is so intense it left me on the edge of my seat, by the end I was teary eyed. This is beautifully written, she has a knack for descriptive imagery that always blows me away. She can shape words and phrases like she owns them. Her narrative ability is all the more clear because she wrote it and knows how she wants it to sound, and it sounds great.

Last Outpost Of All That Is ( N ot For Sampson In The Temple)
Written By: b stearns and maygra 
Read Byrhea314 
The world is over, and it’s a Winchester’s lot in life to cope with anything - no matter what. Language, angst, humor; all the usual. NC-17 for graphic Sam/Dean. This assumes Sam was not killed at the end of season 2 and that Dean never had to make the deal.

This is one of those epic stories that is so well done, that I feel sorry that the writer isn’t a published author and getting paid for writing this story. She certainly deserves it. It’s sad to think that I never would have read this if it weren’t for Rhea314’s podfic. She has done a lovely job bringing to life the world Sam and Dean find themselves in.

Written By: sonofabiscuit77 
Read Bycrinklysolution 
Five years after the apocalypse didn’t happen and Sam and Dean have settled down, or as much as the Winchesters can ever settle down. Sam is a college professor and Dean a well-respected small business owner and they’re learning how to balance work, hunting and dog-ownership while coping with the metaphorical and literal scars of war. Life’s not perfect, not for a (sort of) out and proud couple in small town USA with a lot to hide, but they’re dealing, that is, until Dean employs one sexually-confused teenager who develops an unhealthy obsession with both of them... Switching between five years earlier and now, we learn how the boys came together, how they made it through the big fight and whether they’ll ever manage to find that flighty temptress, happily ever after.

The voice of the writers original character is so clear through crincklysalutions reading. Her grasp on emotion is astounding, she has a way of bringing out the truth behind what’s being said, without changing the words.
This is a lovely coming of age/mystery story, full of angst and humor and just a dash of smut for flavor.

Drown With Me
Rating : NC-17
Written By: cassandra_leeds 
Read Bypainted_pain 
Lust Curse/Mate-Or-Die scenario. A recounting of three instances in which Dean and Sam were put under lust curses.

I think I’ve said this before, but it needs to be said again, her voice is so sexy! And this certainly is a sexy story! She has an awesome ability to bring characters to life with the tone f her voice, and uses the writers descriptive words to paint us such a clear picture it’s almost like being there.


Rating: PG-13 ?
Written By: Big pink
Read Bygrrli  and twasadark 
Washington state logging, tree planters. A Big Bad Wolf and a secret that Dean won’t spill. Ten chapters in three time periods. Season One and pre-series.

Another great reader who understands the story and it’s characters. A good solid case fic, that’s very believably written and creepy as hell. The creature in this actually scared me….a little. The tone of twasadrks voice was perfect for the last suspenseful moments of this adventure.

When Heroes Go Down (They Go Down Fast)
Rating: R
Written By: buffyaddict13 
Read Bydarkemeralds 
The war is at hand. it’s demon against man and we’re losing the fight. the special children are wreaking havoc across the land, side by side with demons. dean is on a desperate hunt to find and save his brother while leading a small band of survivors to a final showdown.

This was so gross, and creepy and perfect. Everything we like from Supernatural. It’s a very dark story, but oddly enjoyable thanks to darkemaralds beautiful voice. The phrasing seams so natural to her it just rolls of her tongue like she wrote it. Very enjoyable story, plenty of action, angst and gore, if you like that sort of thing.

I’d Drive All Night To Get Back Home
Rating…PG-13 ? I’m Guessing.
Written By: roque_clasique 
Read Byriverbella 
Totally AU. John's missing, and Dean is hurt. He hasn't gone to Stanford to get Sam... because, you know, he's hurt.

I have always liked riverbella’s accent, it seems to fit Sam and Dean and is the closest to what they sound like in my head.
Each characters voice is original and recognizable. She’s one of those reader’s who does her job so well that she’s barely noticeable, all but disappearing as she embodies the voices of these characters.
She has such a calm, sure way of telling a story that even if awful things are happening you trust her to carry you through it.

Rated: PG-13
Written By: asadisticwhim 
Read Byjenilees 
Sam took a step back as he turned. The look on his face wasn't one of mourning; it was pure determination sheathed in desperation. "Dean's in Hell, Bobby," he said. "I'm going to get him back." End of Season 3 AU

Jenilees voice is so smooth, and she has such a clear, precise delivery that I am never confused and all ways know exactly what is happening.

Entertaining Angels
Rating: PG
Written By:maychorian 
Read Bysly_hostetter 
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam's motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he's there to help them-they can't quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10.

This story gave me the warm and tingles as well as a few teary eyed sniffles. Her pacing is perfect and her character voices are very well done, her voice is strong and steady and totally capable of carrying the sweetness as well as the sadness in this story.


Keep Thee In All Thy Ways (Anthology)
Rating: R
Written By: oselle 
Read By:baylor

This is one of the fics that drew me into the Cas/Dean fandom, such a sad, bittersweet bunch of stories told from Castiel’s point of view. Delivered perfectly by Baylor, she is so good at portraying painful emotion without over saturating it, so it never sounds saccharine.

Like Unto Him
Rating: R
Written By: liftinglatches 
Read Bytwasadark 
Near-futurefic, post-nonapocalypse. The Winchesters are the only people he knows in the world, and they saved the world, he is proud to know them - but they seem content to know only each other. He has fulfilled his function, the orders have stopped coming, and what good is he to anyone.

Twasadark is one of my favorite readers. Her voice has such warmth, you all ways feel like a good friend is telling you a story. And what a steamy story this is! She perfectly conveys Castiels loneliness as well as his infatuation with the Winchester brothers.


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