Thanks for that, and bless you. I don't do Christmas but finally am replacing it with something else meaningful to me instead of just ignoring it. It helps.
That was me who accidentally anonymousedmesilaDecember 26 2005, 02:35:15 UTC
But I am looking over your data and now wondering the oddest thing which I beg that you please not take personally...but I am just wondering how on earth you ended up on my list, it seems there are no shared pathways, interests, or locality, or how in the 64 shades of Crayola Crayon hell did you end up friending me? Call me insanely curious. Or just insane. Happy end-of-holiday-season, thank-god-its-over-for-another-year week!
Re: That was me who accidentally anonymousedamsaDecember 26 2005, 08:32:57 UTC
Well, I don't remember how I came across your lj....but I remember thinking what you wrote about was interesting, and I read all your entries. I feel like reading about the things that you discuss grounds me into remembering that there's more going on in the world then just my portion of it. Does that make any sense?
Comments 7
i love you lots.
and miss you lots.
i love a lot!
you are missed
I hope you had a great christmas!
Hope you had a good one too!!
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