So you know those semi-annoying preview vids people post on YouTube with the description "tell me which ones you want to see finished"? This is like that. But with fanfics. Sorry. (No really, sorry. My only excuse for this is I was bored today. Which is not an excuse at all.)
So here's some descriptions of some fics that I've either started or am thinking about starting! Which ones sound the most interesting or promising? Or which ones would you most like to read? Use whatever criteria you'd like to choose. All of these fics would be very long. Minimum 10k word count but most of these will probably end up a lot longer than that.
Community: (these will be finished some day. Preferably soon. Or at least this year.)
1. Jeff dies and is assigned to be Annie's guardian angel (of sorts).
Status: Started back in October (?!) 2010 for a Ficcy Friday prompt. A prologue and 2 chapters were posted before I got lost and didn't know which direction I wanted to take the fic.
In it's favor: I got most of the kinks worked out of the plot (pretty sure anyway. Also thank you
lapacifidora for your help and suggestions) so writing *should* flow smoothly. I'd have to rewrite chapter 2 to move it in the right direction and I would clean up the prologue and chapter 1 for my own sanity. But I know exactly how I want it to end! Spoiler: The epilogue would make this fic have a happy ending though I was sorely tempted to not fix it at the end.
2. Britta the Vampire Slayer. Full on alternate universe complete with backstory and adjusted, but still very Community, dynamics. Because it's fun! :D
Status: I wrote a Ch 1 of sorts in December for trucherrygirl (Twitter) and posted it to, but never continued it.
In it's favor: Between Lara and me, we managed to work out how each of the main characters would fit into the BtVS premise and I have a ton of ideas for back story one-shots.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer*: (I know - WTF?! I have no explanation. These may or may not be written without prompting. And even if they're written, they may never be published. I'm still not sure how I feel about writing for this fandom.)
1. Season 6 AU. Buffy didn't die, but things are still overwhelming for her. Especially when she has to deal with a truth she never wanted to know. (Buffy/Spike)
Status: Completely and utterly unwritten. The only scenes planned are what happens on the tower to prevent Buffy from dying and a big fight between Buffy and Spike that happens not long after the tower events.
More info: Basically, Spike puts Buffy's safety above the safety of the world and Buffy's not okay with it. There's some really fun/interesting emotions and realizations that I want to explore with Buffy's character.
2. alternate title: "Not Another Claiming Fic" Buffy and Spike claim each other during Willow's spell and have no way to undo it. They don't fall madly in love with each other after a week. In fact, they still hate each other as much as ever.
Status: Unwritten. But I do have the progression of their relationship planned out through season 6 events. In fact, season 6 is the period of time I most want to play with.
More info: I've read so many claiming fics already and at least half of them have been accidental claims that have them fall in love with each other in a matter of days. It's kind of driving me nuts because I don't believe that's how it would go down. Also, despite so many claiming fics floating around out there, I feel like there's still a lot of untapped potential in the premise and I want to explore it.
Downisde to this piece: I'm still not sure on pacing or timing of this fic because I want to show the very slow progression of the B/S relationship right after claiming and I have a whole plot worked out based around S5 finale/S6 events and this same claiming premise that I want to do.
3. Spike post-Chosen ends up in Sunnydale 1997.
Status Unwritten. Unplanned. In fact, please don't vote for this one unless you have a suggestion on how to tackle it.
Big Bang Theory: (This may or may not be written without prompting. It's really only on my radar still because I think it could help kick start my BBT muse again.)
1. Crossover with Community. Post-season 3 AU (season 2 AU Community). Penny runs away after her break-up with Leonard. Fate or really weird luck brings her to Greendale Community College in Colorado. Hijinks and personal growth follows.
Status: Unpublished but I do have a rough draft of several chapters done and a decent amount of notes.
In it's favor: Should be quick to write. I'm pretty sure I'll go back to my notes and work in Amy somehow because I utterly adore her. Also I kind of really like this premise. This fic may get written someday no matter what. :P
*If any of these BtVS ideas sound familiar or are similar to fic already published, PLEASE link me. If I don't have to write BtVS, it'd be fantastic. And honestly, this fandom has been around for over a decade, surely all the ideas have been covered by now. At least all of the ideas even vaguely resembling canon should be covered by now. But maybe not. I don't know. All the Bloodshedverse fic seem to follow the same few patterns :/
** the above note is especially true of the 3rd BtVS idea. I seriously don't have a clue on how to approach that idea but I want it to happen! PLEASE LINK ME IF IT'S OUT THERE!
Okay that's all. I'm out. And I will now shut up.