this weekend was one of the single most amazing weekends i've ever had. i have officially completed my last official OJCL convention as an OJCLer. i know most of you guys think i'm a nerd for loving this so much but you just aren't cool enough to get it. after the last GA a lot of us were just in a circle crying and talking to the senior from other schools like joy, lindsay, yosi and just people we met along the way makes it sink in that this is all about to change. this year was spectacular, from seeing kate and jess adn martin which was amazing and made me miss our seniors last year b/c it was different w/o them and all weekend we felt like we forgot someone. morgan who is the amazing co president ever, mary and nevena and hannah for being mary nevena and hannah. our guys for dealing with me and for the most part being so amazingly supportive and spirited even after i lost my voice adn sounded like arin when she was going through puberty(josiah and sean get a heart in that regard. and then just to people that i see once a year and love none the less like kavita for beign so excited about washu and st. eds rugby.
but enough of the sad weepy stuff. this was seriously the best convention ever. i had decided not to care about the contests and stuff adn try and relax which happened to a degree. spirit caused me to be a little spastic but after that we chilled out and went to the dance which is the first time i've ever gone for teh entirty since i'm usually doing voting stuff but its esp. refreshing to dance with people you'll never see again, it takes away all inhibition which is fun. but now i'm tired so i'm doing a top ten list of why convention is amazing.
10. Mary tried to shatter ricky/elaine's record for picking up girls by dressing as a man, and then failing
9. morgan and i being stalked all weekend by self proclaimed "thuggish white boys" with pink hats who thought we wanted them to take it all off
8. "shaking our ass(es) on the floor"
7. alex being a man whore and then battling this random guy and winning
6. winning spirit led by the collective efforts of josiah, who is my new hero, mike, sean, nevana and i
5. pantsing josiah and sean
4. staying up until two in the morning having some serious girl talk while alex got high next door and ranking guys based on a scale ranging from david krause (0) to adam dede (10)
3. morgan and i sprinting knocking over these guys and then sliding down the hallway to be on time for the meeting
2. living for three days off greasy cold pizza instead of the nasty convention food
1. evan winget earning a lifetime spot on my shit list for among other things telling lindley to start smoking weed so he doesn't end like the uptight bitch (ie me) in our club followed by telling me that i would do well to heed the same advice