are you a nerd? do you like nerdy things? lol. Here are some interesting maps that people brought into class today:
for New Yorkers:
if you go too far in any one
compare with the current convoluted and geographically skewed MTA map:
google's transit map, i mean wtf is even going on here:
I have always wondered the true underground path of the subway. for the future it would be even sweeter if there was an overlay or something that showed the late night paths and service changes in real time.
here is a world sunlight (and cloud coverage) map: updates in real time! refresh every 30 min or so to see the changes oooohhh.
and an earth sandwich tool: the idea is that you find someone at your exact opposite location on the other side of the earth, both place a piece of bread on the ground(or both lie down), and make the earth your sandwich. I like this because it puts locations in perspective: where exactly is the farthest location relative to you? people say that if you dig a hole straight through the earth, you'll end up in China, but the only place you can actually do that is in Chili. If I did that here I would end up in the ocean to the west of Australia. I think it's kind of cool to think about someone in Australia being in the exact same place as me, just upside down.
also I have an idea for a 24 hour comic (or an ongoing comic) related to maps. it's the idea that I really want to ride all the subway lines from start to end and maybe draw comics about what happens on those trips and the people I see and some of the stops on the route. I don't want to do it alone because 4am on the subway in an unfamiliar area is terrifying hah, but something to think about at least, a project for summer maybe.
I really want to take the F line from Jamaica and ride it all the way down to Coney Island. My dad and brother were both born in Jamaica, so I like the idea that that same subway line connects two very different locations and two very different generations.
hey look this entry is not friends-locked, woooaaahhh! i feel naked.i unlocked some of my older entries as well. not sure how i feel about that....