who: sylar and buffy summers.
what: sylar is being all creepy stalkersan in buffy's business.
where: sunnydale, ca.
when: i'm doing like 3x01 sylar idk where buffy is i'll ... edit it in later.
[It'd been a few nights since Sylar started started watching her. It wasn't that she was ridiculously attractive -- although that was a definite plus -- but he knew something was up with her. She was different. Special. He couldn't put his finger on why, though. The why of it was beyond his realm of comprehension, outside of what he could grasp with intuitive aptitude. The super strength was obvious, but there had to be more. Something he was missing.
And while he was so intensely focused on hiding behind his creeper tree in the cemetery and watching her, he was completely oblivious to the vampire sneaking behind him, ready to make him dinner. This was one of those times when still having superhearing would have been nice ... ]