Who | Buffy Summers (cuzitswrong ) & Cordelia Chase (knowmypurpose ) What | A motha-fucking minotaur Where | Scotland, the castle. / Iron Age verse When | Pre s8-Buffy / Post s5 Angel
Cordelia shook her head a little at Buffy's question. "Nope. Which figures, back in L.A. if a client came to use first, we never got any communication from The PTB about it. Annoying, but at least some sort of consistent pattern there. So we're on our own on this one."
"I suppose at least this time we have an address." She sighed and went to heft a battle axe off the rack on the wall. "I wonder if it's a big monster or if I should stick with something more travel-friendly..."
"Well, the last one was huge," Cordelia pointed out. "So the axe might be a good idea. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it."
"I suppose it is always easier to downgrade." Her eyes lit up and she turned to Xander with a touch of giddiness in her voice. "Ooo! Does this mean we get to fly first class? You said 'Lord'."
Xander held up both hands innocently. "Hey, he's providing the slaying opportunities, not traveling fare. That's solely on a Slayer budget prerogative."
Buffy deflated the teeniest bit. "We never get to go First Class."
Comments 23
Xander held up both hands innocently. "Hey, he's providing the slaying opportunities, not traveling fare. That's solely on a Slayer budget prerogative."
Buffy deflated the teeniest bit. "We never get to go First Class."
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