
how to turn the corner?

Apr 13, 2024 17:04

I am still in the funk that i got into when i posted about clothes, and i know i should not have done that, because clothes continue to be one of the things that send me on massive anxiety spirals. You'd think twentysomething years later i would have gotten over it, but no, i have not. I fucking hate buying clothes, i hate that i can never, ever ( Read more... )

anxiety, depression, clothes

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Comments 8

dadi April 13 2024, 17:40:05 UTC
I for one always look forward to your posts..because you are so refreshingly YOU, unique and fascinating.


anais_pf April 13 2024, 17:43:36 UTC
Sending sympathy and hope that you find a way out and up.


livejournal April 13 2024, 18:36:41 UTC
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seaivy April 13 2024, 19:51:54 UTC

you are refreshingly bohemian !
you live life on your terms
you dare to make your life YOUR WAY!
that is sooo rare

most people just follow the script
you know that
but being sui generis can be a lonely path
the script followers become scared and threatened when they meet a sui
they got to put the sui down for their defense

You Know All That!
but sometimes it can creep up

don't let the scripties get in the way!!


geminiwench April 13 2024, 22:43:43 UTC
Everyone matters AND no one matters.... it's just one of those conundrums.
I've always had good luck with Randy Writes a Novel for a deeply existential laugh/cry about... everything.

It won't fix a thing but damned it's a worthwhile ride.

When I found your blog it was just so cool to hear about what was **actually** going on in China during COVID, not from a journalist.. but just some person who is living through it and trying to work around it. I've enjoyed every single damned post... whether its the food or your travel or society in general or whatever is on your mind. Thanks for sharing and know that I don't know what everyone else thinks of you, but from here you seem awesome as fuck, so just letting you know that.


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