And It Was A Dream, And It Was A Fantasy 12/?

Jun 28, 2014 10:52

A/N: This was too big to be a drabble - over 500 words, so I put it here. Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimers and such can be found with Chapter 1.


“It’s just a piece of paper, Tony.” Gibbs frowned, his back turned as he washed the remainder of the breakfast dishes.

“I know, but…” Gibbs turned around suddenly and let the dish drop back into the sink.

“But what, DiNozzo?” He growled out the words, not wanting to hear what his lover had to say, his tone conveying it with complete accuracy.

“Never mind.” Tony stood and stretched. “I’m going for a run and then home to shower and change. Call me later?” He didn’t wait around for an answer as he headed out the door for his morning exercise.

And he ran. The faster the thoughts came, the faster he ran.


So caught up in the moment in the afterglow of amazing sex, he held Jethro’s head between his hands and looked him in the eyes as he asked the million dollar question. “Will you marry me?”

End Flashback

He was bothered all day by his reaction to a sweet and simple question. Remembering when he gathered all the courage he had and borrowed some from others just to ask Shannon that same question left him feeling horrible. God knows if Shannon had reacted that way to him, his life would have been so different, but not by much because he would have been crushed though he would have never known the daughter that was taken away too soon.  Still, he was sure his life wouldn’t have had the meaning it did today and as a by product, DiNozzo would have beaten down another path. No - this is where they belonged.

Tuesday Morning:

The team was at their desks, monitors were in place, phone calls were being made, warrants were being drawn up.

Around 11 am, Gibbs grabbed his gun and credentials calling out, “DiNozzo, with me!”

Snatching up the same including his knapsack, he barely made it to the elevator before the doors closed.

He wasn’t looking for clues and as per normal, Gibbs didn’t offer any. The ride down was silent as was the walk to the sedan.

His nervous tapping on his leg and the car window made Jethro want to drive off the nearest bridge, however his second “B” was in control and he suppressed a grin.

Pulling into the parking lot of the Courthouse, Tony began to gather his wits. “Are we here for a case, Boss?” Tony kept his language on the professional side of the tracks; they were at work, after all.


Gibbs got out of the car and started towards the building and Tony scrambled to do the same, catching up.

He followed Gibbs to the entrances and routinely shed their electronic devises and arms.

“Civil Court. Up the escalator and 3rd door on the left.” The security guard pointed in the direction Jethro inquired.

They rode up in silence until Tony couldn’t take it any more. “Gibbs?”

Jethro took Tony’s hand in his in front of the glass door to the little room beyond them

“Gave it some thought. I haven’t felt this way since Shannon. The butterflies, worrying over what I am going to wear the next time we go out, terrified that I’m doing it wrong…”

“Oh God - Jethro - you aren’t!” Tony rushed forward stopping within inches of embracing him. “Why are we here?”

Jethro popped him on the back of the head. “Paperwork.”

ncis; fanfiction; gibbs/dinozzo

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