My dream last night ended with me getting a very long, very tight hug from a tall muscular guy. I woke up feeling warm and fuzzy and wanting to hunt down a football team and have a whole line of linebackers hug me
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I just woke up coughing so hard that I threw up. It came upon me suddenly and in the dark, and I ended up having to strip the sheets off my bed
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I spent the day (from 11am until now) with my mother and aunt shopping at various antique stores in the area. We all spent some money and everyone got home with a bunch of crap they didn't need but love anyway
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My mom is the kind of person who gets a free turkey from Kroger's every year and then cooks it after Christmas. Its like an extra little holiday for just our immediate family, and perhaps the best part of the holidays some years
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There is no feeling more rewarding than watching your niece open a million presents and then spend the rest of the day playing with only the one you gave her
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