Title: New York part 2 Auther: amyafa Beta: tldreamer Rating: PG Story: Reid left after he quit his job and saw Luke with Noah. They meet in New York. Reid calls Katie.
So he did have a rough time of it. I'm glad Lucinda talked Luke into doing something different with his life. I suspect he knew Reid was in New York. I wouldn't even be surprised if he secretly tracked down Reid's favorite coffee house for a chance to run into him.
Reid really owes Katie an apology too if he thinks a couple emails and a Christmas card would be enough for his old roommate.
Comments 2
Reid really owes Katie an apology too if he thinks a couple emails and a Christmas card would be enough for his old roommate.
Tomorrow for part 3? I'll be looking for it!
Thank you for getting enthousiastic about this story.
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