"Meet me on the rooftop in 10 min. I'm coming in a helicopter. Reid"
That was all the message said. He was walking trough the corridor of Memorial for two hours until he heard Doctor John Dixon tell the Hughes family and Katie "We can prep Chris for surgery, Doctor Oliver is bringing the heart. Only seconds before he got the text message.
He followed the three nurses that where going to the roof as well.
They waited for the helicopter to arrive in silence.
As soon as the helicopter opened the door The nurses gently pushed Luke aside and got to work. One nurse got the cooler that must contain the heart and hurried away.
The other two nurses where helping Reid step out of the helicopter.
"I am able to walk ladies, I got in by myself." Reid said from behind the nurses blocking Reid his view.
When Luke finally got to see Reid he was shocked. His left arm was in a sling. And his clothes where tore and covered in blood. Luke gasphed and let out a soft "Reid".
"Luke there you are" Reid was looking at Luke his shocked face he quickly continued " It is okay really. Just a sprain and some cuts".
"What happened". Luke hurried to be next to Reid and took over supporting him from the nurses who where now opening the door to the stairway.
"My car stalled on the traintracks. I gave up trying get it started when I saw a train coming and ran for it. A door hit my arm and there where a lot of metal splinters flying around. I got some cuts but most tore's are from when I tried to clean them on the helicopter ride. The police took me to the hospital and after I got the heart I got on their helicopter and called John to prep Chris and texted you. So here I am. I am taking a full body scan just to be safe. But I feel fine, although that maybe the morphine".
"You scared me Reid. I am not letting you out of my sight before I know you are going to be alright."
Luke stood next to the MRI machine softly talking to Reid. Held his healthy hand while they waited for the results. Drove him back to his house where he took care of Reid for three days while Katie was taking care of Chris at the hospital.
They talked, they laughed, they made out. They even managed to say I love you and then hear back I love you to.