Title: Be Mad or Chill, Obsessed with Angels
Summary: 'cannot be bitter, cannot deny, cannot withhold'
Spoliers: DeadAlive
Disclaimer: I disclaim it.
Beta thanks go to
tree , who lent me her eyes when mine were too close to the words to focus. What fine vision she has.
Good things come in twos, Scully. )
Comments 25
even though i've had my hands all up in the guts of this, it's still a beautiful whole when i look at it.
thanks for letting me be part.
and i like this icon you've been using lately. oddly, when i first saw it i stared at it for a few minutes and still couldn't read it, and the next time i glanced at it, it very obviously said Believe. it was like an apparition or clarity. and very essentially them.
(And prestidigitation is such an underused word.)
thank you for this. i'm glad you have something to take away with you too.
Oh. Oh.
This is just so beautiful and delicate and raw. It really feels like their late S8 dynamic- all that confusion and pain and expectant, awkward stillness. I love all the little details in this; the 'missing time', Scully as his 'house ghost', only able to talk to him when he's not there, and the aching little glimpses into 'two weeks ago'. She's never believed in anything very easily. Oh.
these are adjectives i like.
thank you.
yes, it's quite a challenge. as though doing justice to mulder and scully weren't already enough of a challenge - it does just keeping getting harder as the series goes along. it's good that fans keep trying.
i'm glad you enjoyed this attempt, and felt it worked out. thank you!
Just wanted to say I love Ginsberg, and especially this poem. It's great.
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