Night High

Oct 23, 2007 00:24

I have every right to spam you guys with these. I haven't done them... for a while. Plus I'm like 99% done my lab so I am one happy child. =D (Even if its utter crap and I know I'll get butchered for bsing)

Er so I cheated... but it took so much effort to get one WITHOUT doubles. >.> I feel so friendless.

Mei get out of my bathroom! xDDD And it fits how you're on here twice and you're vomiting too. Stay in the bathroom. xD;; Man these are crack O.o;;

Your Zodiac sign means (pics)

Ruler: Neptune / Element: Water / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Negative / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Surrender to the universe, to higher goals; ego sacrifice; compassion and empathy, selfless work; seeing the unity of all things; the ends of cycles, forming "seeds" for the next cycle of growth; spirit as individual dissolving back into pure spirit.

Mysticism, escape into the One; sees the unity, fails to make "normal" distinctions, often weak ego; victim, martyr, servant; tends to escapism, fantasy, drugs (especially alcohol), religion; very receptive, sensitive, even psychic; co-dependency, care-taking; withdrawn from the world; release from the world.
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Forming "seed"S for the next cycle of growth? -_- Great. But doesn't EVERYBODY do that...? W00t, escapism xD Hahaha "especially alcohol". So true. I'm psychic! *reads all your minds*

What do you look like in Anime ~ Awsome PICS~

You are Magic, your as mysterious as an eclipse. And just as free spirited, you love the unknown and tend to discover the world around you one step at a time.
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Just because the picture was pretty xD;;;

1,707,720How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?
Free California Dating

....EW. Great to know *continues to type on it*

The Seven Contrary Virtues - Which Are You?
(to oppose against anger) Peace of mind.

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Funny too... because I think anger is one of my high sins. xD;;;;

~Amy [goes to sleep]

quizzes: virtue, quizilla, quizzes: germs, quizzes: blog quiz

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