Did you know I was so photogenic?
Dirty mirror #1
Dirty Mirror #2
Kiss Kiss
More from the Dirty Mirror files
Oh my gawd! What happened to my chest? BOOBIES RULE!
Fridge words... gotta love'em.
More Fridge words
Fat fingers and the rock my parents got me for mah birthday a few years ago... It's the first and only piece of jewelry I've owned that has my birthstone.
I have double-jointed thumbs... pretty neat looking in-person, really.
Crooked fingers. And yes, and with those big ol' hands, I CAN palm a basketball.
Fat thighs and soapy bubbles.
I can't take a shower or a bath in peace without the Tosh-meister coming to inspect the situation.
More Nosey-girl. Yes, I have scary toes.
Sniffing the bubbles and my toes. She'd try to lick them had I not pulled 'em under the water real quicklike.
All that investigating only got her a little bubble spot on her head.
I was going for the "thought cloud" effect and it didn't work out too well.
She was damned close to clawing my eyes out when I tried to take this picture... she's a wiggly little critter.