So Danielle is moving for sure, on the 7th. I'm gonna miss her alot, it makes me sad. But it will be a good opportunity for her, I'd do it if I had the chance. Hell I was all ready to go when Krys was talking about going to Seattle
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Yay so I finally got to start medication. I don't really know how long it's supposed to take to start working but so far I feel pretty good
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Everything is all weird now. I feel all weird and awkward around Soon. I'm afraid to even talk to her because I'm afraid she'll think I'm flirting with her. I have told her I don't want anything more than just friendship with her and she said ok but every time I talk to Steph or Stacy they tell me all this stuff that she came up with in her head
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So my grandpa lives in Indonesia and he decided he wanted to come back to the states one last time and my mom's family lives in Oregon so she bought me and my sister and her plane tickets and we went down to the Oregon coast to see relatives that I haven't seen in 6 years. Man was it a shock to them
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I hate it when you are plucking your eyebrows and you totally zone out and you spend like half an hour on one eyebrow and then you look over at the other one and see what you've gotten yourself into
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