last night, i was dreaming (again, ive been doing that an unusually large amount lately).
anyway, i had various dreams about various things, like blood coloured rivers and spending my whole life pulling creepy vines of walls and being stranded on islands and sunbaking. but i will tell you about this particular dream, cause it makes me laugh. mind you, as it is my dream and not yours, i dont expect it will be the same.
i get on the bus at a bus stop at the end of our road, and to get to the bus shelter i have to cross the road, hill just near by which you cant see over the top of. anyway, in this dream, i was getting out of the car, and about to cross the road, when over the top of this hill slowly comes this car and it starts swerving all over the road. everyone was watching this car as it swerved all over the place (slowly) and then i watched as it just started making a bee line into the bus stop. just when it was about to run everyone in the bus stop over (there were a lot of people in the bus stop), i suddenly realised it was sharn driving the car, and she was coming after me. at the same time, sharn realises im not in the bus stop but on the other side of the road, and the car does a quick 180 degree turn on the spot, and it starts coming towards me. next thing i know, im running down the middle of the road, sharn is driving behind me trying to get me (although keeping an even distace behind me and making me run, shes not fast enough to get me as she doesnt seem to know the accelerator goes down further) and im yelling back what the bloody hell do you think youre doing sharn?! " in a voice that sounded strangly like my cousins, and she went skitz, and starts shouting at me "you knew i wanted those tickets to that (dream talk meaning dance concerty thing)!!! and you go and get the last ticket! you bitch, you cow, you dont even like dance like i do, you knew i wanted those tickets!!" and im yelling back "you bloody psycho!! what the bloody hell do you think youre doing?!" and then i realised i was running in circles.
dream interpereters get interpereting, and give me your diagnosis's. (how do you pluralise diagnosis? diagnosies? diagnosis'?)
current not dream related news:
- my last exam finishes tommorrow at 5:15
- i picked about $10 worth of strawberries from our strawberry patch, just today, and there will be more tommorrow. am currently in a strawberry coated heaven.
- and thats about it. last exam tommorrow!! yay!!!