Fic-Tac-Toe: Ocean

Jan 30, 2011 00:31

Title: Imaginary Memories
Author/Artist: amythystluna
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Original character(s)
Warnings: partial nudity (and since this is my journal, should I mention they're actually, *gasp* girl-bits?)
Notes: Written/Drawn for the Fic-tac-toe game I'm playing with lirren; my prompt was "Ocean" Not beta'd, so any mistakes are purely my own.

Rain lashed the deck; he couldn’t see a blessed thing despite near-constant lightning

flashes. Staggering his way to the rail, he held on for dear life, holding his breath as yet

another wave battered the ship. Dark eyebrows knit together as something odd flickered

beneath the roiling ocean. He foolishly let go of the railing, reaching out toward the image

that was surely just a figment of his imagination….

An ominous crack had him clutching at the wooden post once more, turning just in time

for everything to go black.

The piercing cries of seagulls jarred him from sleep, hands scrabbling at rough wood and his

eyes wincing shut against the harsh glare of the sun. He forced himself to still, and the

wild oscillation of his world slowed to a gentle rocking as he listened to the lap of water

against whatever it was he was lying on gradually slow and soften. Squinting cautiously, he

examined the bit of wooden hull that was currently acting as his makeshift raft. Judging by

the fact that he didn’t think a ship could stay afloat with quite this much missing,

he’d say there was little to no hope the ship had survived the storm. He wasn’t quite sure

how he had survived the storm, as the ideas his tired brain was offering were

impossible. Slowly he turned over, careful not to overbalance and splash into the sea, and

crept his way to the edge, intending to get a closer look at the haze of land off to port.

Instead, he found himself gazing into the water, re-evaluating the impossibility of what he

now realized were memories.

*gasp*iwrotesomething, fic-tac-toe, drawing, art

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