
Feb 06, 2011 01:36

I blame it on dreamdustmama.

She mentioned flashbacks to Christina Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle...and then how in her brain that = Merlin giving Arthur a lapdance to said song. Which lead to this happening in my brain...

Title: Genie in a Bottle
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: R (NWS)--everything's covered, but there's shirtlessness, some bulges, and a ( Read more... )

fandom, drawing, art, o.o, merlin, random

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Comments 13

marguerite_26 February 6 2011, 12:20:25 UTC
YAY!!! That's BRILLIANT!!!

What's your first wish, Arthur?


amythystluna February 7 2011, 00:02:59 UTC
Heee, thank you bb ^_^

I'm sure he'll think of a proper 3 wishes once his brain starts functioning again ;)


(The comment has been removed)

amythystluna February 7 2011, 00:03:23 UTC
Thank you! :D


mysecretashes February 6 2011, 14:25:33 UTC
EEEEE!! *flails*

OMG, that is FANTASTIC. AHAHAHA. Their expressions are priceless, especially Merlin's smug look. :DDDD

YOU ARE AMAZING. *smiiiish*


amythystluna February 7 2011, 00:04:16 UTC
:D Thank you bb. It's totally your fault, so I'm glad you like it *G*


themostepotente February 6 2011, 15:05:26 UTC
That's awesome <3


amythystluna February 7 2011, 00:05:22 UTC
Why thank you :) Heeee, your icon is the picture I looked at to try to get Merlin to cooperate \o/ I wasn't getting his nose right :(


ma_chelle February 6 2011, 19:19:22 UTC
Hee! You've been drawing up a storm lately! <33


amythystluna February 7 2011, 00:06:54 UTC
So Many Art Bunnies, OMG O.o There's another H/D in the works, then I need to start on the HS_Merlin stuff, and I have a couple other HP bunnies, and then the McFLY boys are pouting in the back of my brain 'cause I haven't drawn *them* in awhile...



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