So, some of my flisters have done the 30 days of creativity thing before, so I thought I'd join in this month, since OMG SO MUCH TO DO /o\ I did the lineart for a character's face on one of my BB illos, but I can't share that... I also did 2 rows on the shawl, so here's the update from last week and this week :)
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Comments 5
All that said, your shawl looks fabulous. I love seeing it progress.
Oh, I know I'm allowed, bb, and it's definitely fun on some of the other get-stuff-done kinda things, but my author's kinda hush-hush, there are a number of people anticipating her story, and I really don't want to give anything away--and the illos would. It's fun to do the lil' bits-and-pieces one I did one week, but I just don't have time to edit those together all of the time.
I will totally take you up on that, LOL. I'm rolling along, but having another artist (to be honest and kinda snobby, one I trust to do more than go 'OMG, looks great!') take a look and see if there's anything where I've completely spazzed on perspective or lighting or composition or something would be great <3333 PM me your e-mail addy?
Shawl /o\ Slowly but surely, slowly but surely!
It's coming along--it just takes forever to get a row done, LOL!
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