Aug 23, 2011 14:10

Dude, we just had an earthquake O.O

In Virginia *blink*

My house shook and everything--felt like I was in a vibrating chair, LOL.  My poor dog booked it off the couch and *still* hasn't settled *pets the puppy*

News is saying 5.8 magnitude... 1:51 pm


o.o, wtf!?!, random

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Comments 10

savagesnakes August 24 2011, 05:02:38 UTC
Hahaha earthquakes are so much fun! I was worried, though, cause my family lives out there and I know east coast buildings are not only ancient, usually, but not protected against earthquakes like west coast buildings are.

Once you get past that bit, though (and as long as it doesn't result in horrible disasters such as Japan or Haiti), you have to admit they're brilliant! =DDD


amythystluna September 6 2011, 18:59:59 UTC
It was certainly interesting! Most of our buildings survived just fine, since they're built to withstand hurricanes, actually! I guess that provides equal opportunity natural disaster protection, LOL :)


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