2013 Rogues & Wraiths Ficathon

May 03, 2013 01:03

Title: Untitled (I'm no good with titles)
Rating: G
Setting: during "Wraith Squadron" - sorta somewhere in Chapter 27 or between 27 & 28 (I had to make sure it made sense why Hobbie was there!)
Disclaimer: Wonderful Star Wars characters are not MINE, unfortunately…
Notes: This fic is for kerianth who really wanted to see a fic featuring Wedge, with appearances of any of the female pilots. She didn't want Corran (easy!), Luke (sad face), and the Yuuzhan Vong (whew!); her prompts were: "Over and Over", "Purple", & "I have a GOOD feeling about this!"

"I have a good feeling about this!" Wes Janson leaned back in his chair, content, a wide smile on his face.
"Well, you shouldn't."
"Hobbie, why can't you just be happy?"
"Because I know I'm going to get into trouble too."
"Well, you're wrong. Wedge is going to really appreciate this. After the week we've had, he needs some good news. This is a good idea!"
Hobbie Klivian wrinkled his nose at his friend and sighed. "Whatever you say Wes." He watched the perpetually baby-faced pilot gleefully punch instructions into the computer.
"Alright, listen up. Today's sims are going to be quick and dirty. Fast skirmishes, blitzes, that sort. I'm only giving you a heads up because we're the ones doing the attacking. I know we're not usually the ones who initiate the provocation, but considering the last few days, I like to be prepared, and you should too." Wedge Antilles, X-Wing pilot and Rebel hero, looked at each of the pilots who stood in front of him. Wraith Squadron - a specialized X-Wing squadron composed of misfits and wash-outs, now pushing through their growing pains and well on their way to being elite - stared back at him. "And," he continued, "seeing as Rogue Squadron is still here, Lieutenant Klivian has offered to round out the teams." He nodded to the sombre looking pilot standing on his left.
"Ahem." Wes cleared his throat theatrically and Wedge's eyes narrowed.
Wes smiled cheerfully and took a step to stand by Wedge's side. "O esteemed leader," he began, and the Wraiths chuckled. Wedge crossed his arms. "Do you recall once upon a time that you wished that there was a way to colour code pilot teams on the sim scoring sheets?"
Wedge's brow furrowed. "I may have said that in passing."
"You also said that , it was so low priority for us and the techs that it would never happen. Well...I think this is the perfect time to put that into effect. I have dug deep within the computer core, and have done the reprogramming myself."
Wedge's eyes widened. "Uh...Wes," he said slowly, ignoring the Wraiths as they did their best to hide their amusement. "You aren't trained in computer programming of that sort."
Wes affected a hurt look. "You wound me. I can do whatever I put my mind to. I did some research and it took a while, but I think I was successful Wedge."
Commander Antilles managed to keep a straight face and looked over at Hobbie who shrugged. "Alright. I guess we'll just have to see." He cleared his throat. "Thank you Wes, this may make the sims information easier to process and catalogue. Good job."
Wes grinned and bowed low. "Anything for my master." The Wraiths applauded. Wedge rolled his eyes.
"Alright, blue team - Tyria, Wes, Face; red team - Piggy, Ton, Falynn; gold team - Hobbie, Myn, Kell; purple team - myself, Grinder, Runt." He looked over at Wes who gleefully input the teams into his datapad.
"Done!" Wes announced happily. A smile stretched from ear-to-ear and he sighed. "Wedge, this is going to be great." He saluted the Commander and clapped his hands. "Let's go Wraiths!"
The pilots scattered and Wedge pulled Hobbie aside. "Did he actually do it all by himself?"
Hobbie gave Wedge one of those mournful looks that he was so good at giving. "Yes."
Wedge put a hand to his forehead. "Oh boy."
"One more time," Wes pleaded.
Wedge rubbed at his jaw. "Wes, we've done the sims over and over and over - "
"Six times!" Hobbie hissed and Wes shot him a death stare.
" - and the colour coding still hasn't worked," Wedge continued patiently. "It was a nice try. I appreciate the effort. Really, I do."
Wes frowned. "I don't know why it didn't work. It should've worked! I clearly input the colours to match the X-wings and pilots."
"Let it go, Wes," Wedge soothed, patting his friend on the shoulder. "How about you release the Wraiths? They could all use a rest before we hit the next stop Night Caller is supposed to make. It was a good distraction though."
Wes replied with a sulky snort, and then walked over to the pilots gathered at the simulators. Wedge shook his head and turned to Hobbie. "I actually feel sorry for him this time," he began, and was interupted by the beep of his comlink. "Antilles," he said.
"Uh, Commander, I know I'm not always privy to mission objectives and such...but..."
Wedge frowned. "Cubber, what is this about?" Hobbie raised an eyebrow.
"Well, this order came a little suddenly, and I had to scrounge for the paint, and purple is a hard colour to come by really, so I just wanted to check and ask if I could use two different purples for the x-wings. The red, blue and gold I've got lots of, and we're just about to start on those, but the purple is kind of...odd. "
There was a moment of silence and Hobbie covered his hand with his mouth.
"You've painted the X-wings purple?"
Cubber's voice was confused. "Well, yes. Yours, Four's and Six's. Those were the orders, weren't they?"
"Cubber," Wedge said slowly, "did these orders come from Lieutenant Janson?"
"I'm not sure, Sir, I could check, but they popped up on our schedule earlier today."
"Disregard those orders, Cubber. Reapply the Wraith colours please. And don't worry about the others, there's been a misunderstanding."
"Sure thing, Commander."
Wedge clicked off his comlink and refused to look at Hobbie, who had squeezed his eyes shut and was trying his hardest to stifle his laughter. "Wes," he called out. "Wes!"

fic: wraith squadron, ficathon, fic: star wars

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