Title : Supermarket
Pairing : AiMiya (Bff), Mention of Ohmiya & Sakuraiba
Genre : Fluff, Friendship
Rating : G
Warning : Un!beta. Rush.
Note : Based on VSA 20170126, where Aiba said he met Nino in Supermarket without any disguise. and Nino said that they practically live nearby. The episode is pretty funny!
Aiba park his car carefully, remembering that he indeed come to supermarket by car. He check his appreances, he didnt do anything, just simply use his private clothes. He take the basket and go down in the aisle.
Just when he arrive in meat section, he see someone familiar, that person wearing grey sweatpants and yellow t-shirt. Carefully, Aiba approach him.
"Nino?" the other turn himself.
"Oh, Aiba? i tough you were some fans which i really found them amazing, since they can find me like this," Nino ask.
AIba look at Nino's basket and found some inggridient on there, and most of them is not instant food. "You shop?"
"Of course i am. Why i am not shopping in supermarket?"
Aiba giggle, "And not fast food, i see,"
"How about you? Wanna do some experiment?"
Aiba's basket only contain some seasoning and a noodle, "Not like that, Sho has an early night today and i want to cook something for him," he explain. "Speaking of, why i havent heard anything from leader?" he added.
Nino turn his head so he back to choose the meat, "Ne, Nino, Did Ohno-san have a job today? Why my manager doesnt say anything when i ask?"
Nino take a pack of beef and minced beef, "Nope. He had a day off today,"
Aiba think and start following Nino who walk to vegetable aisle, "Its strange, usually you two stay at home when you have same day off,"
Nino take a deep breath before make a sharp turn to see his bandmate, "That old man is really pissed me off!"
Aiba laugh, "AH! I know, he abandon you to take care of his clay and paint, right?"
Nino shooke his head, "Worse!"
"Go fishing!"
Nino walk away, "SO its true then, he left you to fish!"
"You know what i hate the most?" Nino ask without turn his head, his eyes still looking for paprica.
"Hm? What?"
Nino pick a pack of paprica and put in on his basket, "That he left me before i wake up. And he just left note in the refrigerator!"
"Oh poor Nino-chan! Want to come over? We can have dinner together!" Aiba excitedly speaking.
Nino step into Aiba's feet and go straight to casheer. "No! I want to play games!"
Nino heard Aiba muffle a laugh before he hear, "You just need to say you want to wait your old man so you can have a lame boring dinner like old married couple!"
Nino's cheeck turn red but he still ignore Aiba. Still backing him, Nino give a wave to his best friend and go straigh to pay his groceries.
After Nino get out from the supermarket and Aiba cant see him anymore, he back to find what he need to make dinner for Sakurai. He felt vibrate from his pocket and found a new line massage from Nino.
Nino : After all, i still got that old man's wallet. So i didnt loss anything ^^
No long notes this time.
more fanfic in short time means i am really stressed over practically eveything!
So, if anyone have recomendation of Angst fanfic (Ohmiya - sakuraiba - Matsumiya on Arashi fandom. OR Morgan-reid in Criminal Minds fandom) please do tell me! i need something so i can shed tears!
see you!
Thank you for reading.
Comment are appreciate.
*love is appreciate too*