Title : Supermarket
Pairing : AiMiya (Bff), Mention of Ohmiya & Sakuraiba
Genre : Fluff, Friendship
Rating : G
Warning : Un!beta. Rush.
Note : Based on VSA 20170126, where Aiba said he met Nino in Supermarket without any disguise. and Nino said that they practically live nearby. The episode is pretty funny!
Supermarket )
Comments 5
The fact that Aiba and Nino meet at Supermarket because both of them want to cook for their respective partners are such a great feeling. I love the domestic feel about it. And Aiba invites Nino to have dinner at his place so Nino won't be alone -- so cute. Thank you so much for this.
by the way, in case you still want something to cry over. I am not sure whether you've read rollingday_s' Stronger yet. I haven't cried for a Sakuraiba for quite sometime until I read that one. For angsty Matsumiya, I strongly recommend Memories of the Void from kanu_x. It made me cry like hell (please forgive my language). If you are still in the mood, please give them a try ;)
I always on the mood for reading angst! thank you for your recommendation. i've read the Sakuraiba, I will read the Matsumiya! thanks!!
its so pure...
thank you for reading....
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