So, these are the charges I will be receiving this quarter for school, and I assume that every other quarter will look the exact same.
Charges Due
Following is a Running Totals summary by due date of the charges and deposits that you owe. Review the Details by Due Date table to see the specific charges.
Summary of Charges by Due Date
Due Date--------Due Amount------Running Total
Currency used is US Dollar.
AND THIS is my financial aid:
Financial Aid
Award Detail
Federal Aid Year 2008-2009
Award: Category: Grant
UC Santa Cruz Grant
Disbursement Date-------Description-------------Award Amount
09/19/2008--------------2008 Fall Quarter--------3,298.00
12/30/2008--------------2009 Winter Quarter-----3,298.00
03/25/2009--------------2009 Spring Quarter-----3,300.00
Currency used is US Dollar.
In summary. . . I go to school for free?