Now That I Am in Madrid and Can Think 14/22
Rating: R (swearing, grownup stuff, Scousers etc.)
Summary: Lost in Scouse Translation, A Comedy of Errors Starring Didi and Carra really did happen and it's so epic, it deserves fanfic of its own.
Consider this a prompt. The rest... not so much.
Well, if it isn't Adam Morgan and the bloody Half Blood Prince! )
Comments 10
Another great chapter, thank youuuu.
I read the article about Didi and Carra running away from the police in Japan and I just knew this had to be done. :)
The jail scene...brilliant!! I think that if this remotely happens...(if this could be real life) Xabi, Carra and Stevie reactions seems to fit them just as you described.
Suddenly i want to bought a ticket to fly to Liverpool and take a picture of that view...maybe i two years...and maybe i should start saving since tomorrow for that.
I love how you take care for every detail and how you included them in your story...the researchs, pictures and everything.
Their story just screams WRITE ME! y'know? And I'm a crazy person obsessed with little details (like the "you should have seen the look on Gerrard's face" in The Alonso Song... I dunno... it's just a connection that's so fitting for storytelling), it doesn't take much to get me going...
and that's i why i love youuu (but please don't delete mis comentarios...kidding... ;p ) uhm, there's something between ( ... )
I'm a complete freak when it comes to research and details, which is why I've been going to sloooowly lately, but some things I did tweak just to make them convenient... I'll basically go with whatever feels RIGHT for the story and I'm really lucky to have readers who appreciate that. :)
I was with Jamie Carragher and some of his mates. I don't think all of them were his mates, though. As per usual for scousers anywhere in the world, none of them could get a taxi so they decided to run over the roof of the next one that came along to make it stop. The Japanese police don't mess around and were quickly over there. Everyone ran. I tried to.
...and IMMEDIATELY come up with that little paragraph you liked? ;) I was just wondering why Stevie wasn't with them...
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