Ok so I've been sick since last thursday (that is over a week now). Being that I haven't worked or gone to school with many of you I'll let you know that this is HIGHLY UNUSUAL. I had perfect attendance through most of school and very rarely take days off work. I've been off work now since Monday afternoon (4.5 days!). The headcold/exhaustion turned to headcold/cough/exhaustion turned to less head cold way more cough/not sleeping through the night exhaustion. Although I think some of the exhaustion is basically being in bed since Monday afternoon as well. : (
BUT. Being that I've been so bored I decided to try my hand at a music vid on my wife's snazzy new computer. As Lauren/Bo is my newest favorite pairing (and it's cannon! How far I've strayed from my totally non-cannon roots! I can't help it Zoie Palmer's Lauren is just made of awesomeness - second only to Maura Isles). *sigh* Where was I? Oh yea, vid.
So uh... hope you like... *nervous grin* (
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