Title: Fairly Slashy - Part 5 (of 9)
Fandom: Fairly Legal
Pairing: Kate Reed/Lauren Reed
Rating: M (not through all of it but definitely at some points)
Spoilers: References to season 2 eps 1, 3, and 5.
Disclaimer: They aren’t mine, otherwise not-actual-incest would be a definite future for Fairly Legal..
A/N: Thank you to my lovely live-in beta (i.e.
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Comments 8
I really love how you've written both characters (and Leo) and their realizations of their feelings for each other. It's believable and true to each character.
Looking forward to more! :)
I'm about to start the final pass on 6 and 7 (which need to be posted together) so it may take a day or so but they're coming!
: )
And oh lord the stepmother thing, not exactly the stepmother thing, just that Lauren-has-slept-with-Kate's-dad thing...but Lauren and Kate are so hot together!!
Your fanfics are chipping away at my moral principles, I tell you. ;)
Glad you liked! : )
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