Season 5 of Doctor Who is now going to its 12th episode and I'm still not convinced. While some eps were quite good and entertaining, I'm still not sold on Matt Smith. I don't think he's as good an actor as DT or CE. He seems rather flat.
So far there's been only one big moving moment for me, and it didn't even involve the Doctor directly. The best moment of S5 for me so far was from "Vincent and the Doctor": the scene in the museum, when Vincent hears the curator talking about himself. That scene nearly brought tears to my eyes. It was powerful and brilliantly acted by Tony Kurran, who was just fantastic in the role.
In RTD's time there were plenty of powerful moments, like in Doomsday, EoT, WoM, PotW, Midnight, to name a few. Some people complained that RTD's scripts were dramatic, but I liked them - I'm a sucker for good angst. I know it's supposed to be a children's show, but that doesn't mean it can't be a bit dark and sad sometimes. It made sense within the story he was telling.
Moffat seems to be going for a lighter approach. And what little angst there was, like Rory's death (both times), didn't have much of an impact for me. Mostly, I think, due to the actors' performances, both from MS and KG. They simply didn't convince me.
So far my least favorite ep was "Vampires in Venice". I found it boring and rather silly, with too many plotholes - and I'm not usually bothered by plotholes. The ones with River Song and the Weeping Angels were good, though. I'm very intrigued by her storyline.
My favorite is "Amy's Choice", though I think it could have been much better with stronger performances. I can't help thinking it would have had a much greater emotional impact if DT or CE had done it.
I don't like it that Rory died (I really like him), but since I'm pretty sure he's going to be back I won't complain too much. I'll wait to see where the story is going before I make up my mind about it.
I have mixed feelings about last week's ep, "The Lodger". It had some fun moments, but at the same time it didn't really feel like the Doctor. It was fun to watch, but I don't think it worked so well within the context of the show. I just couldn't believe that the Doctor could be *that* clueless. And I found myself liking the supporting characters, especially Craig - I *loved* Craig, and felt terrible for him being upstaged by the Doctor - more than the Doctor or Amy. It's kinda sad.
Which is not the say that I hate the new season. I don't. But, well, it's just not the same. Still, there are still 2 more eps to go, and I am looking forward to finding out about the mysterious crack in the wall. Plus River will be back. I was kind of indifferent about her in SitL and FotD, but I'm getting the like her quite a lot. I hope she'll still be there next season.
Anyway, I'm going to keep watching and hope it will get more to my tastes. I know a lot of people are enjoying it. Maybe I'm just still not over losing DT and Ten. Maybe I just liked them way too much.
Oh, well, new ep tomorrow. :)