basic information
Name: I respond to Kari (Care-ee or Car-ee, your choice), Kaarina, my lady.
Titles: The Lady King, Lady Locksley.
Age/Gender/Orientation: Now legally an adult worldwide/Virago/asexual
Country of Origin: Gondor United States of America
Languages: English, small amounts of Russian, Latin, & Anglo-Saxon
Religious Leanings: Christianity, denominationally challenged quasi-Anglican. Interested in medieval (particularly Irish) expressions of Christianity.
Education: Associate of Arts and Sciences, BA at Goddard College. Enrolled in an MA program.
Employment: Still a student.
People of note:
littlewings04 is my roommate/best friend. We have lived together since June 2011.
Things I post about
My educational experiences, my television viewing, the things I am writing, my complicated emotional life, historical/literary things I think are funny and/or interesting. I talk a lot about the voices in my head, my mental health, and being plural in general. My academic work largely focuses on the cult of the saints, women in Anglo-Norman & Angevin England, 12th century warfare, early Irish Christianity, and the historiography of the middle ages. My non-academic reading list includes J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Catherynne M. Valente, Susanna Clarke, and Anna Akhmatova.
Things I Don't Post About
Much of my religious/spiritual/emotional-not-related-to-my-headvoices musings, most of that goes in
balancingbooks, which functions primarily as a catch-all for impressionistic prose about real life. Poetry goes in
aventuren. Fanfiction & stories go in
karigans_fic. Headmates & associated nonsense is at
karitweets is all of the above, 140 characters at a time.
2011 is the year of:
finishing my BA (writing my senior studies project on women & military power in 12th c. England) and getting into graduate school. Managing my mental health through natural treatments. Lord of the Rings is one of my predominant fandoms right now, as is The Chronicles of Narnia. I am travelling in my home state a lot and visiting friends.
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