Player Name: Jean
Personal LJ:
tsunderefish E-mail:
AIM: vendingmachinedd
Other characters currently in-game: N/A
Who referred you to the game?: ATP
Character Name: Sollux Captor
Canon source:
OU character source.AU source. (Sometimes the layout doesn't work with firefox, it works better with chrome.)
Magenta/tyrian blooded Sollux essentially has the same personality of his yellow blooded self, but certain traits are dulled and others amplified. In general, he's still a bipolar six-sweep old with who loves video games and has heterochromia.
He still is as intelligent as his yellowblooded-self, and still is the main translator for the SGRUB game (although it's not called that in this AU), but he isn't the major hacker/programmer that his yellow self is. Instead, yellowblooded-Vriska has inherited that trait, and serves as their session's programmer. But back to Sollux; as a highblood, he doesn't have any psionic powers, nor does he hear the voices of the imminently deceased. He has no known psychic abilities, or prophetic dreams. Although he still has his heterochromia, it has yet to develop into vision twofold. However, it has been implied that he will have to deal with the headaches his yellow self has in the future, although they will be a lot more painful due to lack of the collective pain tolerance that yellowblood-Sollux has had due to years of dealing with.
Sollux experiences the same moodswings that his canon-self does, but to a lesser extent. Since he doesn't hear psychic voices in his head, there's only migraines motivating the more explosive moodswings and it's just generally a much less severe case. Less disorder, and more "moody", in short.
As the heir apparent to the throne, the Empress would rather her position not be threatened, and thus sends scouts daily in an attempt to have him killed. Fending off the assassins is an everyday activity for Sollux, and as a result, his hive is almost entirely inaccessible. Surrounding his hive, there is a labyrinth maze kept entirely in darkness. Those who find themselves in it often don't find their way out, and die trying. On top of that, Sollux's lusus would use it's electrical currents to cause the assassins radars to malfunction. And Ampere also would eat pretty much anyone or anything that got lost down there.
The irony of the situation is that Sollux never wanted to be Emperor. He would have been perfectly content with never taking the throne, if he was just allowed to live in peace. He would gladly switch places with anyone, if it meant he would never have to deal with being hunted every moment of his life. But of course, things don't get to work out that way. Because of this constant concern for his life, Sollux has rarely, if ever, left his hive. Of his eleven friends/acquaintances, only Tavros (a fellow seadweller) has seen him in person. Most likely because he's also Sollux's moirail, which seems odd at first. Neither are potentially dangerous, but in honesty, with what Sollux has to deal with on a daily basis, it's better that he has someone to glub feelings with every once in a while.
Unlike canon Sollux, Tyrian-blooded Sollux has a very close relationship with his lusus. He's very affectionate towards Ampere, (the name of his electric eel/almost-kind-of-ferret-looking thing) and it's probably the closest relationship he has with another living thing, due to his recluse nature.
Video games are still a big thing for Sollux. Seeing as he hardly leaves his hive, and books are kind of impossible to even exist underwater, video and computer games are his sole ways of amusing himself. He still retains his temper though, and has a tendency to ragequit his games when it becomes apparent he is going to lose. Spoilsport? Absolutely. This brings about some upset on Vriska's half, since she takes pride in utterly decimating her enemies online, and she can never beat him if he just leaves the game before she wins. He, however, could care less (although he probably tells everyone she was cheating using her hacks and that's the real reason he quits. They're both kind of brats when they play games together).
At one point in his life, Sollux would have liked to changed the way things were in terms of making trolls a more "caring" race, much like Feferi had her BIG PLANS to do. But concern over what others would think of him, and the realization that it would be a miracle if he lived long enough to gain power eventually extinguished the idea. He still would rather not see things in terms of blood caste color, and is actually rather close friends with Kanaya as evidence of this. He would rather not be treated as royalty or even as a highblood, preferring that others don't speak to him formally just because of his title.
Sollux is a troll. Meaning that like any other troll after pupating from his wiggler stage, passed through the trials, and moved on to being adopted by a lusus naturae. The lusus that chooses the young troll is typically of the same blood color and gender as it's ward, and thus so after his trials, Sollux is adopted by an electric eel-like lusus, which is named Ampere.
After that, trolls are to find a place to set up their "hive" aka where they will live. Being of Tyrian purple/magenta blood, he would choose to put his hive underwater. However, as soon as the Empress discovered that there was a threat to her position, another troll born with Tyrian blood, she began to take measures to have Sollux killed. It's because of this threat that forced Sollux to take extreme measures with his hive, and place it within the remains of an underwater volcano, in the deepest part of the mesopelagic zone. Basically, around 1,000 meters under the water, where there is no little-to-no oxygen in the water, nor is there much light. On top of that, Sollux uses the remains of the volcano to form a series of caves, creating a labyrinth around where his actual hive is. His hive is lit partially by artificial light, but mostly by bioluminescent light. He does have a computer, as made obvious by his use of Trollian in order to talk to the other trolls, but it's likely specially designed to be waterproof.
Because of his fear of the Empress, Sollux has rarely left his hive. The only instances he would do so would either be to hunt for food if he was unable to get anything that somehow wandered into his maze, or for the rare instance he needed to get something outside his hive. He has never been above the water, except for his time in the brooding caverns, and thus he has never seen anything that belongs above the surface. Trees? Nope. Grass? Definitely no. The sky? Never.
His borderline hikikomori-like/shut-in behavior also means he's never met another troll (well rather, another troll that wasn't trying to kill him) face to face, with one exception. Tavros, another seadweller of purple blood, is the only one to have seen Sollux in person. After first meeting Tavros, the two became good friends, and eventually moirails. From there, Sollux's group of "friends" expanded to the ten other trolls of Homestuck canon. Originally, the other ten had believed Sollux was actually just Tavros' fakey fake imaginary friend, considering none of them had ever encountered him offline, but after speaking to him online the others came to the conclusion that Sollux was definitely Not Imaginary. Especially Vriska, who begins to harbor some (platonic) hatred of the two seadwellers. Really she's just jealous Sollux's gaming scores are so good.
Although having spoken to his eleven other friends, besides Tavros, the other troll he is closest to is Kanaya. They both consider each other someone they can depend on, although it's possible Kanaya has something of a crush on Sollux (while he remains oblivious/unwilling to realize it). Fancying herself a historian, Kanaya at one point discovered a series of glyphs in a temple. She gave said glyphs to Sollux to translate, which of course will be this session of SGRUB. He sends the translation back to her, which Vriska, (now a yellow blood, and expert hacker) translates again into a game. Originally, Sollux wants nothing to do with it, due to it being dangerous, but Kanaya promises to be his Server player, and convinces him to play because of the whole "If You Dont Then You Will Actually Die In A Few Hours Regardless When A Swarm of Flaming Space Boulders Wipes Out All Life On Alternia" deal. And well, Sollux is rather big on the Not Dying thing. Kanaya tries to send Sollux the game client and server files, but earlier Sollux had noticed a blackout somewhere in his hive. He tells Kanaya that he'll connect the files later, he needs to check on his lusus. It's a stupid move on Sollux's part, seeing as he knows that the meteors will arrive in a few hours, but he's more concerned about his lusus than anything else.
He goes idle on Trollian, and moves to check out what's going on in his hive. Apparently during his absence, the assassins had decided to bring bombs into his hive, to blast their way to the center instead of just figuring out the maze. Many would die trying to navigate it, so bombs would be the easiest solution. This would normally be an issue, but a resolvable one. But it's not that easy this time, because Sollux's lusus has taken the brunt of the bombs explosion. Sollux kills the remaining assassins, just in time to see Ampere draw his last breath, as his body is burnt and gutted on the floor of the cave. This leaves Sollux more determined more than ever to play the game, knowing it's now his only way of survival.
…And this is where Sollux's known history ends. Admittedly, the AU isn't too far yet.
How does your AU differ from canon? To start, blood color is vital to Troll society. It decides class, where the troll can live, future prospects in life, lifespan, skill sets, who they are allowed to date, and how susceptible they are to the Vast Glub. The key difference between OU and AU Sollux is that instead of being a low class yellow blood, he is at the very top of the blood caste system. So, this changes nearly all of his relationships with the other trolls, his skills, and etcetera. The new arrangement of the hemospectrum in coordination with the twelve trolls: Nepeta (Mutant Red), Kanaya (Maroon), Terezi (Orange/Brown), Vriska (Yellow), Equius (Olive), Gamzee (Jade), Eridan (Teal), Feferi (Cerulean), Karkat (Navy), Aradia (Indigo), Tavros (Purple), Sollux (Magenta/Tyrian Purple).
While shifting all of the trolls on the spectrum (although still keeping the order the same) changes the externals of troll society and those effects on the existing characters from how they act in canon to how they act now, the characters all of course still retain their core personalities, as well as keeping generally same typing quirks. For example, Kanaya still Capitializes Every Letter with whatever she types, and still has kept her interest in fashion. However, now instead of being so passive and just going with the flow, she's more likely to step up and take a more leader-like position. Another example is Karkat who still has a generally grumpy attitude, still shares his hemophobia and hatred of the hemospectrum as he has with his canon self. In contrast to that, he has a fondness for robots and sees them as a solution against the hemospectrum (aka IF EVERYONE WAS A ROBOT THEN BLOOD WOULDN'T MATTER sort of idea).
Strengths: Despite being the Heir Apparent, Sollux doesn't actually have very many "strengths." He can (at times) be polite and well-mannered, as per how royalty is supposed to act. He doesn't care much for the hemospectrum, and thus doesn't abuse his power, nor does he like to be treated as a highblood or being given special treatment. Sollux is still considerably a genius when it comes to certain things, like translating ancient languages and the like. He's physically stronger than his canon counterpart, enough to be able to fight on his own with his trident, due to constantly swimming in a heavy pressure area of the ocean. He also is able to keep calm during a physical fight (which he uses his dinglhopprkind abstractus trident strife deck), after years of having to do so against the scouts trying to find him.
And also hide-and-seek champion 2009 (not really).
Weaknesses: His paranoia is his major weakness. It's probably his biggest motivator in terms of how he goes about his life. Given, it's somewhat justified considering the whole "is it really paranoid if they ARE all out to get you?" idea, but it still has enough of a grasp on him to be suspicious of even those he considers friends. Suspicious in subtle ways, like for example when Kanaya messages him on Trollian, he just assumes she's going to ask him to FLARP with him despite him already telling her it's too dangerous for him, rather than assuming she's IMing him just to talk. Stemming from the paranoia, he's also a bit naive. He's never really interacted with other trolls before (except for hostile situations or with Tavros) so he will undoubtly be more than a little socially awkward. On top of that, he's also a sore loser. He has negative connotations with things if they don't go how he'd like (with video games as an example, since losing with games results in death, and death = his uttermost fear) so he has a tendency to ragequit situations more often than his canon self. Another weakness is that he kind of fails when it comes to leadership skills. He's rather passive in terms of relationships, and lacks the forwardness a real leader needs. He cares too much about what others think of him to step away from the crowd, and basically would have been a shitty Emperor if ever given the chance.
Preferred drop-in point: Preferable Truth or Consequences, but Seattle would be a nice second choice.
What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment? I'd be lying if I said that interacting with the OU Sollux and Feferi wasn't a major factor in aping here. But there's also the appeal in throwing a recluse kid who has only lived underwater his whole life in a desert full of people. Although that would probably start of as more of muse torture, hopefully it will turn into character growth.
First Person Journal Sample:
[This is not a very dignified start of a post. It starts off as audio-exclusive, with someone clearly having trouble breathing, and cursing with the little breath they do have. Eventually, the audio shuts off, as Sollux figures out how to work the device. Instead, now font appears.]
II wa2 told II wa2 to u2e thii2 deviice for communiicatiion. Even though iit'2 kiind of really 2hiity. II gue22 II 2houldn't be iin2ultiing free 2tuff here though 2o nevermiind. Moviing on.
II'm 2orry for beiing briief, but where ii2 thii2, exactly? IIt doe2n't look liike any part of Alterniia that II know of. More iimportantly, II need to know where the clo2e2t body of water ii2.
A2 2oon a2 po22iible, plea2e.
Third Person Sample:
He could feel another migraine coming on. Not to say he didn't already have them on a daily basis, but this situation was particularly good for inducing blinding headaches. Of course this could also be pinned on the near panic attack he was about to have.
This was a complete nightmare, like all of his worst fears somehow thrown together in some weird mess of horrors. Stuck in an unfamiliar place, on land with no water in sight, and on top of that, surrounded by people-- strange, alien people. They weren't even trolls, with their pink skin and white eyes and no horns-- how the hell did these aliens even abduct him to begin with, their technology can't be that superior...
Not to mention how bright out it was. How could anyone stand being outside in the middle of the day like this? Sollux could practically feel his skin burning, and he was just a little too distracted by the possibility of going blind if he even looked up at the sky to bother with the possible "fried fish" puns. The sun aside, the sheer dryness of even the air around him was painful. Each breath was like inhaling sand, in through his mouth and then getting it stuck in his gills. Like choking on something, but only just slightly, and only enough to be uncomfortable. Still, discomfort in this already uncomfortable situation was just the last nail in the coffin and enough to send Sollux into some sort of fit with how rapidly his collapsing and expanding bladder based aquatic vascular system.
He had been leaning against a wall for what felt like hours now, just trying to calm down and instead becoming somewhat lightheaded. He needed to calm down, to start. Focus on finding a way out of here. What was it that he was told? Use the phone he had been given to find others? Then again, this wasn't Alternia. He doubted there was anyone he could even contact that would know him. Still, might be worth a shot anyway.