"No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness."
[Private to Lady Yuna]
Let us meet for tea within the Alexander courtyard, tonight milady. If you still wish to kindly grace me with your presence, I would be deeply appreciative.
[/Private to Lady Yuna]
[Private to self]
I find myself in such a euphoric mood. Though I know this is not something that is new to me and yet it feels strangely satisfying within the same moment. My mind is plagued with both the concerns as well as the pleasures of a few new occurrences.
I have come to find that Saix is fitting into his place at the castle rather pleasantly. The others seemed to have accepted him rather simply. If that is something well wanted or something that seems to portray that they are becoming lacking in edge, I am not sure. Though I have placed such trust in the man, the others have as well. Well surprised at this occurrence. I had not first perceived that they would have taken a liking to him so quickly. Surely they would have placed their own tests on him as well. But perhaps this is merely how is it to be dictated and such acceptance proves that Siax belongs with us.
Dear Seymour came to me many nights ago. Spoke of things such as trust and matters with Lady Jenova. I was rather irritated with his knowledge that I seem to have such connections with her. Yet, he seemed to know something that I am not aware of. Speaking of things such as trust and power. Of brotherhoods between people of like mind sets. Perhaps I allowed myself to indulge in his way of thinking much to quickly. Agreed to something so daring. Hm. I shall not allow him to over take me, and though if he seems to be at bay with me, I shall be with him. Equivalent trade. With this scare upon the skin of my next signed the contract to some unknown path. How this shall unfold is interesting. With careful eyes I shall keep watch.
This is all I shall reflect upon for the time being. With concerns of the night flower, Jenova and many others I seem to be getting the slightest of a head ache.
[Private to self]