i'm going to write a song called "i hate mcc and the big three".
bc mcc sucks and so does their web-reg & tel-reg. oh yeah, and their profs. and all that. and bc my cd player in my ford has been jammed for two months with six cds in it.
so the crisis is over...at least that's what i've been led to believe. (evil laughter in the background). but either way, i'm sure as hell a lot happier now.
i really like mono (the band, not the kissing disease). it's very chill. i hope that an amazing show will come to town soon. possibly some scream-o.
yesterday i go from laughing and running around murder ranch playing frisbee -to- standing outside of murder ranch in the rain balling my eyes out like a little girl.
i hope this doesn't last much longer. i prefer running around laughing. it's more fun.